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Old 04-06-2008, 09:53 PM
masterofmystery masterofmystery is offline
Post Two new interviews with Regulus Black actor (UPDATED)

Potterish got an exclusive interview with Tom Moorcroft, who has been recently revealed to play Regulus Black in Half-Blood Prince. In the interview, Tom talks about the context in which Regulus will be shown in the film, and how he got the role, amongst other things.

Tom was first asked about how he got the role of Regulus Black and the context in which the character is shown in the movie:

How was the process of selecting your character for HP6?
Well to be honest it came as quite a surprise. My drama school contacted me and told me it was for a "Harry Potter photo shoot", but I discovered the first time I went up there that it was actually for the next film.

Where was it recorded?
At Leavesden Studios.

Can you explain to us what happens on this scene?
It's for one of Professor Slughorn's photographs, for his office.

How many days did you spend recording the scenes?
Just the one, it took about 2-3 hours to complete the shot.

What others actors were present during this scene? Like Susie Shinner (young Lily Evans) or Daniel Radcliffe.
Only Jim Broadbent.

Can you describe the details of the scenario and the clothing on the scene?
Unfortunately no real details can be disclosed at this time so the production team said. No photographs were allowed to be taken in case they got leaked to the public, I suppose.

How was your relationship with the Director Yates?
It wasn't actually David Yates filming this shot it was the 2nd unit director, Stephen Woolfenden.
He also states that he is unsure about whether or not he will reprise the role in the last films, Deathly Hallows:

Do you have any information about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, where your character has a big role during the books?
No information as of yet, I gather that right now they're concentrating on the Half-Blood Prince.

Do you think you will be called?
Well it would make sense to use the same actor again to save confusion, but I personally have no idea. I would like to get called back though.

Tom does admit that he had not read the sixth book when he was cast for the role:

Did you ever read any Harry Potter books before you was called to this scene?
I had yes. I've only read the 2nd, 3rd and 4th though.

And when you were called for this scene, did you read the Half-Blood Prince?
I have to admit, no I didn't read it [laughs].

It's fine if you promise that you will do it soon... [laughs]
I DO have the book but it's just finding time to read it. I have researched him in the past just to see how he fits into the story [laughs].
UPDATE: Blog Hogwarts has also spoken to Tom, who gives a bit more detail about when he filmed his scene for the sixth movie:

Have you already shot scenes of Half-Blood Prince?
I shot my scenes two weeks ago, just before Easter at Leavesden Studios.

In which scenes are you present?
I'm in a very short scene which will be in Professor Slughorn's office.
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