Originally Posted by
Sam :: Show me the pic and I'll see what I can do, hun

Vishu, feel free to kill me.
Just last night, I found a different actress for my rp charrie.
Could you make me two siggies:
The images really HQ by the way, just thought I'd tell you. But I know that graphics are usually easier the more clear the images are.
Siggeh one:
Uno, and
Siggeh two:
Umm, yeah.
So for the first siggy could you make her eyes look emerald green, if it looks weird then just leave it as it is?. And for the second one, I'm not sure, would it look if it was black and white but the eyes were emerald green so that they stood out? Or would that look too weird? Lol.
Text for both siggies:
Shayna Reagan
3rd Year Enigma
And then an avvie out of any one of the three pics, with a little hand drawn heart or 'S' in the corner.
Thankies hun.
But take your time, you've got a lot of requests here.
Luff you, Vish!