Thread: Harry Potter: Chapstick - Sa13+
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Old 04-01-2008, 07:56 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elizabeth Brecker

Okay everybody, next chappie! hope you all like it! and remember to review!

The Gryffindor rolled her eyes.

"Geez, what's your problem? Don't you know how to answer a question when asked one?"

"Just because I don't kiss up to every person with the title 'superior' every time I see them doesn't mean I don't know how to answer a question, Granger."

She didn't even blush or anything. 'Oh, maybe this will get to her,'I thought to myself.

"Speaking of your habits, ought you be down on your knees bout now? I am in your presence afterall." I smirked; she was fuming. Now that was entertaining.

"Oh... I am so gonna kick your butt off this rock now!" she growled in response,standing up in anger.

"Shouldn't that be 'kiss'?" I asked innocently, well, okay - not so innocently. I stood to meet her.

"You better watch your back, Malfoy," she snarled. Our faces were merely centimeters apart.

"Maybe you should watch what's right in front of you," I responded. Uh oh. Mouth working without brain on. Where was that brain-on switch? Hurry! I had to start thinking before I did something really bad......

"What's that suppose to mean?" she asked, brow furrowing above those brown eyes scrunched in confusion. Eyes above a small nose, hovering over soft, pink lips...

I am not responsible for what happened next. I swear. It was the cold.

Next, you see, I... uh, I... well...

I kissed her.

My lips attecked her and hers fought back with equal fervor. Her hands shot like lightning to my chest, grabbing fists of my robes in her grip. My own hands ended up running through her hair. Merlin, it felt so soft. It felt so soft.

"Oh, Malfoy," she managed between kisses, "I want you. I want you soooo much."

I kept kissing her, not being able to stop for even one moment. "I love you, Granger. I love you so much."

Neither of us could stop.

SKITTLES .:Spuffy Addict:. ~Science/Math Geek~

NO PINK! Lizzy + Sarah = Best Friends!
My fanfic ... Chapstick
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