Originally Posted by
Iavas gwae
Joseph smiled, turning red. "I'm very sorry, Miss Silverstone, just offering the services I had. Anyway, I believe that is a splendid idea." He allowed his temper to cool. He had been very cautious, and did not realize that his temper had flared. "I do agree with you as well, a Demiguise makes much more sense. However, where does the Lethifold fit in?" Maybe he just hadn't been paying attention, but he was curious by why it was a Demiguise Lethifold.
AJ looked down the table at Joseph, "The fact that this creature can sneak up on it's victims without being heard, seen, felt, anything, and the fact that it's dangerous is what makes it a Lethifold... Well really I'm not sure on the specifics of how we know it's Lethifold and not some other dangerous creature, but that is what the reports originally given to us supplied by the Magical Cooperation team said." she honestly hadn't thought down that route...