Originally Posted by
Bald Eagle
Emily listened intently to the discussion, her brow furrowed slightly as she heard about the creature. She wrote notes down on her journal, underlining the Lethifold/Demiguise name. "Strange... If the rumors are true and there really is a creature like this out there, shouldn't we think of what possible motive the person, or persons have for creatng it? I mean, it doesn't sound like something someone does for fun." She said thinking about why a creature like this would be out there on the loose. "And are there any pictures of said creature? Surely someone would have caught something on camera, even if it is invisible, there's bound to be some trace of it?" She pondered.
She looked down at her journal and wrote a few things in the margin, not really understanding what she had to do here, surely the Dangerous Creature area of the department could handle this. She thought of a few ideas and knew Aricca would want her input. "Well, if I remember correctly there's a spell out there which will stop an invisible creature in its tracks without injuring it. I assume we wnt to keep the creature out of harms way so we can examine it after." She furrowed her brow, "I can't quite remember the spell right now, but there has to be a way for us to see the creature before we capture it. And are we sure on how many there actually are? For all we know they could be breeding right now or more are being made." She stopped to take a breath, feeling her heart begin to speed up as it always did when she faced a mystery.
"Couldn't we just use a smoke charm to find the creature, then stun it or something?" She said finally, her blue eyes twinkling slightly.
"I don't really care what the motive is for anyone creating such a beast, honestly. I care that it's out there hurting people for no reason, and that it's my job, our jobs, to make sure that it is taken care of and disposed of." AJ listened as Emily put in her input, "No, the actual number of these cross-breeds is still unknown at the moment, but since neither of these animals really move that fast, we can assume there is at least 3. Yes, that's what I'm afraid of and is why we need to move quickly with this thing." Once more, AJ nodded, "yes, studying the creature would be best, but alive or dead we are capable of that, if we can see it." she smiled, liking how well some of her employees were thinking things through.
Originally Posted by
Iavas gwae
Joseph, staying silent for most of the meeting, finally spoke up. "Can't we potentially use a variation of the Aparecium spell, using the root appareo. If used in the correct way, it could be used to make them visible. However, what to do after that I don't know. I suppose that once we gain the nature of this beast, we can find out what to do about it."
Joseph regarded everyone's ideas carefully. Somehow, he needed to find a spell that would work. The problem was remembering the spell...
"That is one idea, but trying to create your own spell to contain an animal isn't exactly encouraged in our department, our expertise
is creatures, not spells, remember. Perhaps someone from the Minister's office or the Department of Mysteries is more qualified to do that, just in case we get something wrong and end up doing something horrible..." she said. they had to be cautious about this, not just jump to any fast conclusions.
Originally Posted by
Violet listened to everyone else's thoughts. "Oh," she groaned. "I've never heard of anything like this before." She thought a moment. "Maybe we could sort of lure it into a trap. It may be invisible but you can still see if it moves something right? Why don't we set up a realistic dummy and when we see it being ripped up by an invisible creature, trap the cross-breed? I mean I don't know if it would work..." she said, realizing how stupid her idea sounded. "We would need to find out where it is now first, and that would be hard." Then she looked at Joseph Willowgreen, who had just spoken. "Yes! The root word appareo! You're right, that might help! We would need to figure out what to add to it to be able to make the creature visible...does anyone know Latin?" she asked the room.
Nodding, Aricca spoke up once again, "This is the best idea so far, if we knew what was triggering the attacks. However, there is no pattern in anything they've done so far, at least as far as the information supplied has told us. These people being attacked are spread out, male, female, of all races and ages, there's... really no way to tell what about these people makes them a target for the creature." she shook her head, with a small smile, hating to be shooting down everyone's ideas.
Originally Posted by
"At least this is more interesting then our office is right now," Star whispers to Liz."
Star pulls out a basket of chocolate Hershey's Kisses.
"Hello, I'm Star Black from Werewolf Registry." Star smiles as she looks around the room. "Would anyone care for a sweet?"
AJ looked up, hearing whispering from the back, "Something you'd like to add, Ms. Black?" she asked, and nearly rolled her eyes, 'This is not the time nor place for greetings and chocolate, I'm afraid...' she thought, but refrained from saying that. As kind as she could at the moment, with everyone's tempers rising, she needed to get her employees all on task. "No thank you, I've got a more serious matter than chocolate can fix." she said with a weak smile.
Originally Posted by
Eon Spirit
"Curious, shouldn't we first locate it before casting spells on it? It could be anywhere in europe, so how is trying to figure what spell would contain it help if we can't track it?" I ask, patiently. "Also, I understand that they are both magical creatures, the Lethifold and DEmiguise, but how could an invisible simian like creature mate with a blanket like creature that would be more willing to devour it?"
AJ nearly laughed out loud, but instead gave an amused smile, "It is no matter to us how these things mated, even though it is more likely that it's an expirement or something, not something nature produced." she finished, still amused. "We do need to focus on tracking it, before we worry about containing it, really..." she said, looking to the doorway, hoping Teal would get enough information to help.
Originally Posted by
Iavas gwae
"I'm actually a very good duelist." Joseph said, "I should be able to cast the spell, but we would probably want one person from every division. I'm not against someone else taking my place though. I'm just saying I can and will do it if I need to." He looked at everyone's faces. "We would definitely want somone from the Spirit Division, at least three from the Beast division, and one or two in the Being Division. No Offense to the Spirit Division, but we are looking for a beast here." He smiled.
"That is my reasoning to making a team. If we build a team of people, we can locate and capture this creature. I don't know how they would mate, but they quite possibly might have. No one will really find out how really." He looked over at the man. "Anything is possible when people meddle."
"It isn't likely that they met by chance. They most likely where, as you said, put together." He looked over at the Woman, the same one who had offered the chocolate. 'Now she's on task.' he thought.
Originally Posted by
Violet looked over at the man who had spoken. "I'm sorry, but it doesn't really matter how the two creatures met and mated. Not right now, at least. What we're facing is that it is here in Europe, and dangerous." She closed her eyes briefly; she could feel her temper beginning to rise in her frustration. But she mustn't lose her temper at this man. He had posed a very good question. Violet opened her eyes, having regained control of herself.
"Oh! No, I didn't mean I thought you weren't able or anything! You are probably very capable of the job. I meant no offense." She wanted to be sure he knew she wasn't meaning to criticize him. "Anyway," she continued, looking around at the room, "He has a good point. Someone from each division should go. So...who wants to go and fight an invisible creature? We need volunteers." She looked towards the head, Ms. Silverstone. "Do you have any ideas?"
AJ gave a sarcastic smile at these people, "Oh are you done? I don't want to interrupt, please, if you'd like to run this meeting, by all means go ahead." she finished, very sarcastically. Everyone in here was losing their tempers and patience, which made her want to scream at them to be quiet, but that isn't very professional. She just wanted to get everyone to agree on something.
"Joseph, no offense, but I think the Spirit Division might be a wee bit more experienced with trying to cast spells to make creatures visible, so I'll probably ask one of them, or all of them, to do so when the time comes, and they might have more ideas than us on a spell we can use, anyhows." she stated, and turned her attentions instead to the points made by Violet.
"I am not just going to send any one of my employees to fight a potentially deadly creature, just because they have a large ego and a high opinion of their own abilities. I am going to send those of you who are most qualified and experienced with dangerous creatures like this to deal with it." she said, and looked down at her notebook in her hand.
"I think all 3 Spirit Divison workers, both Dangerous Creature committee employee's, perhaps a Pest board worker, and 2 Werewolf Capture people should go." after making mental note at how fast the tempers flared amongst her workers, she figured she should explain her ideas of why these people should go. "This is, of course, after Teal gets back with the full stories and we figure out how to locate it first. The Spirits need to go because they are most experienced with tracking and cursing invisible things. Dangerous Creature people because this is, obviously, a very dangerous creature. Pest board... probably because this creature has some pest qualities, as well... The werewolf capture unit needs to be present because they are the most qualified with capturing elusive, dangerous creatures. I think we all can agree on these assumptions," she said, looking around at her employees faces, trying to read their expressions.
Reading over some notes about both the Demiguise and the Lethifold, she nodded curiously. "So I think, with the Demiguise genes, that it's safe to say it isn't invisible at all times. Demiguises can make themselves invisible at will, so obviously whenever it decides to attack, it makes itself invisible. We don't know what it looks like, because of this, and I think that if we were able to track this thing, or follow any sort of trail, blood, debris, etc, back to the animals lair, or whatever, that there is a fair assumption in saying that it'll become visible when it arrives and thinks it's safe. For all we know it could be living peacefully with apes, since Demiguises are peaceful, ape-like creatures." She knew that at least one of her employees would have a problem with this statement, and looked all of them for input before continuing.
"Lethifolds, on the other hand," she began once more, "Lethifold genes could potentially make it look like a blanket. I think, since the attacks aren't deadly, nor specifically targetting those in their beds, it's safe to say the dominant behavioral traits aren't of the Lethifold, and rather of the Demiguise, which is supposed to be a peaceful being. That is a good thing. From the sound of it, it doesn't seem like a blanket-like creature, because Lethifolds smother to kill, they don't like leaving a trace, so no blood. With the attacks, there's been blood, ripped flesh, and stitches required. We aren't looking for some flat creature. Unless there is another creature partly bred into this, we're looking for more of a larger, Demiguise-like animal." she finished, "Can we all agree on that so far?" She knew that Teal's information could possibly make everything they're doing now completely irrelevant.