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Old 03-29-2008, 09:54 PM   #40 (permalink)
Formerly: hrmy_lvr_4evr

Love Detective
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aurelie Rylen
Sixth Year
Fiyero ♥ | RED VINES! | FOR NARNIAAAAAAAAAAA | "Always." ♥| SupermegafoxyAWESOMEhot!

Originally Posted by Eon Spirit View Post
"Curious, shouldn't we first locate it before casting spells on it? It could be anywhere in europe, so how is trying to figure what spell would contain it help if we can't track it?" I ask, patiently. "Also, I understand that they are both magical creatures, the Lethifold and DEmiguise, but how could an invisible simian like creature mate with a blanket like creature that would be more willing to devour it?"
Violet looked over at the man who had spoken. "I'm sorry, but it doesn't really matter how the two creatures met and mated. Not right now, at least. What we're facing is that it is here in Europe, and dangerous." She closed her eyes briefly; she could feel her temper beginning to rise in her frustration. But she mustn't lose her temper at this man. He had posed a very good question. Violet opened her eyes, having regained control of herself.
Originally Posted by Iavas gwae View Post
"I'm actually a very good duelist." Joseph said, "I should be able to cast the spell, but we would probably want one person from every division. I'm not against someone else taking my place though. I'm just saying I can and will do it if I need to." He looked at everyone's faces. "We would definitely want somone from the Spirit Division, at least three from the Beast division, and one or two in the Being Division. No Offense to the Spirit Division, but we are looking for a beast here." He smiled.
"Oh! No, I didn't mean I thought you weren't able or anything! You are probably very capable of the job. I meant no offense." She wanted to be sure he knew she wasn't meaning to criticize him. "Anyway," she continued, looking around at the room, "He has a good point. Someone from each division should go. So...who wants to go and fight an invisible creature? We need volunteers." She looked towards the head, Ms. Silverstone. "Do you have any ideas?"
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