Violet looked over at Joseph. She had no idea who he was, other than his name, but felt grateful towards him for listening to her. "All right...which one of those is the strongest?" she asked him. "It sounds as though we're dealing with an XXX to XXXXX rating, so we'll need a strong spell. And I think we should have more than one person go, just in case." Violet too looked over at the woman who had offered chocolate. She smiled faintly. "Not right now, thank you," she said to her.
"I'm actually a very good duelist." Joseph said, "I should be able to cast the spell, but we would probably want one person from every division. I'm not against someone else taking my place though. I'm just saying I can and will do it if I need to." He looked at everyone's faces. "We would definitely want somone from the Spirit Division, at least three from the Beast division, and one or two in the Being Division. No Offense to the Spirit Division, but we are looking for a beast here." He smiled. Quote:
"Curious, shouldn't we first locate it before casting spells on it? It could be anywhere in europe, so how is trying to figure what spell would contain it help if we can't track it?" I ask, patiently. "Also, I understand that they are both magical creatures, the Lethifold and DEmiguise, but how could an invisible simian like creature mate with a blanket like creature that would be more willing to devour it?"
"That is my reasoning to making a team. If we build a team of people, we can locate and capture this creature. I don't know how they would mate, but they quite possibly might have. No one will really find out how really." He looked over at the man. "Anything is possible when people meddle." Quote:
"How did a tropical creature meet a far east creature? I think someone was playing Goddess in the Potions Lab"
"It isn't likely that they met by chance. They most likely where, as you said, put together." He looked over at the Woman, the same one who had offered the chocolate. 'Now she's on task.' he thought.