Thread: Harry Potter: Chapstick - Sa13+
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Old 03-27-2008, 08:18 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elizabeth Brecker

thank you for the wonderful reviews!!!! i love them, they feed the writer's soul. anyways, sorry for the late update! usually updates won't be this far apart. i hope. but i've been rather busy lately... i moved to a new house! it's hecka nice. anyways, enjoy the next tidbit and tell me if you do!


Unfazed, I smirked, “Was that a question, Granger?” The last couple of steps towards her were quickly closed. “For such a bookworm, you don’t seem to remember names very well.” I sat down by her, making sure we had plenty of space in-between us. Granger still glared at me though; truthfully it was more of an unbelieving stare, as if she was still trying to convince herself that she was actually seeing what her eyes told her she was seeing. “Because I’m pretty sure there’s no one else who looks like this; so there’s no way you forgot my face.”

Granger raised an eyebrow at me before laughing aloud. “You’re right, Malfoy – no one else does look like you! And I doubt anyone is fortunate enough to have the ability to forget such a horrible sight!”

Horrible sight indeed! Did she ever look in the mirror? Okay – so she wasn’t that bad on the eyes, but still – I was Draco Malfoy! Most definitely not a horrible sight. Ask anyone. I ought to have put that witch in her place.

But I didn’t. I restrained myself. I still needed chapstick and she was still my last resort. So I continued to smirk.

“Been dreaming about me Granger?” I teased, leaning slightly towards her.

“Nope. Haven’t had any nightmares for a while now,” she remarked dismissively.

My smirk quickly became a scowl. This conversation did not seem to be headed in the right direction. Not good for my chances of getting my hands on some chapstick. New topic…

“So…” I drawled, gazing out at the snow-filled sky hovering over the Great Lake. “Do you come out here often?”

Granger gave him another incredulous look. “Are you sure you’re alright Malfoy? I mean, you, Draco Malfoy, Slytherin, pureblood, arrogant, evil intolerable git, followed me, Hermione Granger, Gryffindor, muggleborn, bookworm, know-it-all whom you hate, out into a huge, raging blizzard at 6:30 on a Saturday morning and start acting… well… somewhat civilly! You must surely be going daft!”

I must agree with the know-it-all (though I would never say that to her face), it even gave me a particular feeling of uneasiness – like I knew my actions were somehow against the laws of nature – but I really needed that chapstick. So I dismissed the feeling.

“Nobody will see us. How can they? We’re sitting in the middle of a bleeding blizzard! And since nobody will see us, we could always deny any actions – or lack thereof – towards each other at this time. They couldn’t prove it even if they did suspect.”

My response seemed pitiful, even to my own ears, but it must have pleased the Gryffindor. As I leaned backwards on my hands, crossing my ankles and stretching out my legs to appear relaxed, I could have sworn I saw her smile. But confusion still danced in the eyes that were searching him for hints of malicious intentions. I could tell, see through peripheral vision as she gave a small frown a home on her face.

“But… doesn’t it bother you?”

I thought for a moment, gaze still resting on the still surface of the
lake. I shouldn’t have had to think about it at all, but I did. Did it bother me? Talking to her? The answer should have been easy, but it wasn’t. So far our conversation had been fine… no curses, hexes, jinxes, or even screaming… yet. Though, it was sort of nice to see the Gryffindor bookworm so peaceful and for once thinking about something other than classes, books, or some drama concerning her fellow Gryffindors. I wondered what she had been thinking about. Sure, it was weird talking to someone I usually taunted, and part of me was screaming in protest of being so… not cruel… to a muggleborn.

Maybe the cold had gotten to me. Or I was going insane from all of the morning’s conflicts. Maybe.

“No,” I decided, declaring it nonchalantly, “Should it?”

The Gryffindor seemed frustrated, as if she was trying to solve a riddle but every answer she tried ended up failing. A door that no key fit to unlock.

“Well,” she began sighing with exasperation, “You’ve always hated me. Now you follow me through a blizzard early on a Saturday morning, just because? How do I know you’re not here to pull some hilarious prank to laugh about with those followers of yours, or if they’re sneaking up behind me to scare the living daylights out of me, or… I don’t know… kidnap me?”

I laughed. Hard. She didn’t seem to appreciate it.

“As if, Granger. Practically the whole castle is asleep, including almost all of my ‘followers’ as you so christened them.”

She was scowling at my laughter now, but I couldn’t stop. It really was ironic that she thought those lazy, dim-witted Slytherins would actually wake up early on a Saturday, manage to follow her through a blizzard, and plan how to sneak up on her, and overpower her. Yeah, right.

I calmed down and voiced my thoughts. “They’re all too stupid anyways. No way they could pull it off without me or Blaise,” I chuckled, “And Blaise is a little preoccupied on Saturday morn–”

Oops. I paused. I hadn’t meant to talk about Blaise. Hopefully the Gryffindor didn’t notice… Darn. No such luck. She was looking at me with a question in her eyes. I knew she wouldn’t let that slip, her eyes sparkled and her expression grew smug.

She teasingly it her bottom lip, giving the appearance of innocence as she pushed the subject he did not want to discuss. “What was that about Zabini, Malfoy? What’s he preoccupied with?” she sat up, propped her elbows on her knees, rested her head in her hands, and looked at me expectantly.

“Nothing. It’s nothing,” I lied, my mind searching for an excuse to give the know-it-all, whom I knew would be persistent.

She raised an eyebrow at me, knowing I was lying. Inwardly swearing, I lamely rushed out, “Just homework.”

“Uh huh. Sure,” the bookworm wasn’t going to drop this. “If Zabini was only doing homework, why would he wake up so early on a Saturday morning to do it? And why would you think it was funny? Hmm?”

Curses. She was grinning openly now. Like the Cheshire cat on Christmas. I wondered if she had forgotten who she was taking to. She was having a normal, insult-free conversation with me, Draco Malfoy! And she was smiling at me! And teasing me! And sitting not-too-far-away from me! And getting closer and closer to a subject I did not want to discuss. If I accidentally told her she’d go blabbing to her Gryffindor friends and then the whole castle would spread rumors… Sure, I’d never have to pretend to like Pansy again, but Blaise would also never talk to me again. I really needed to change the topic of conversation.

“So do you come out here often?” I asked again, hoping she’d forget my little slip up.

SKITTLES .:Spuffy Addict:. ~Science/Math Geek~

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My fanfic ... Chapstick
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