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Old 06-05-2004, 12:34 PM   #32 (permalink)
Lupin Jr
His life is like a river
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Join Date: Aug 2003
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We hurried down into a dank dark room with a bench along the wall and a storage room. Ginny came back a few moments later with a candle which she sat on the table so we could see.
"Can you tell us why we are here?" B asked, shivering in the cold.
"Just incase the Head-Quaters is attacked" Ginny said lightly waving her wand over the door frame "Right, you are not to move, I need to go to Mc Gonagall. Kira, one of your uncles should be here soon." She hurried up back upstairs.
"We want to help!" I said, but Ginny didn't hear me. Kira got up and walked to the door frame, touching it gently as electricity ran to her fingers.
"Ow! Guess they don't trust us!" She said, I got up and took her hand, looking at it.
"Guess not" I said rubbing the redness "The last thing they need is us adding to their worries!" I said go of her hand.

Captain of SS's HMS Orange Crush (Harry/Ginny)
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