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Rico was amused at Emma's reaction; it was to be expected, and indeed, she hadn't disappointed him in the least. If she had taken the headline in stride or - well, embraced it, then he would be worried.
But instead he leaned back in his chair and clasped his hands behind his head before speaking.
"Your points are valid, Ms. Brown," Rico responded finally. "And apparently, I've found many of our coworkers agree with you." He frowned slightly, then continued. "Yet, we have had reports of sightings of these animals - they seem to be a cross between a demiguise and a lethifold....and they seem to be attacking innocent bystanders, both wizard and Muggle."
He paused to grab his notes from the meeting and glanced at them briefly. "Regardless, your task will be to investigate the source of this story, at Quibbler headquarters, and find out whether or not we should be worried." Enrico smiled gently and sat up in his chair.
Emma's jaw dropped as she heard what beast could be involved in this story. Remembering that she was before her boss, her jaw snapped back up with a soft 'clomp', before sitting back in her chair. This was indeed a potential nightmare.
She asked shrewdly, "
Have we ever gotten any inkling of these attacks from St-Mungos? Surely they would advise the Ministry of these occurrences? I would imagine that the victims, if there be any, would need some kind of medical attention?" She squared her stare upon Rico, hopefully he would know or at least have asked if anything of the sort had happened in the past; reports of odd injuries, maladies that are unexplainable and such. Emma would research that field of questionning if need be.