Hey guys! Finally a new chapter!
I'm sorry, I'm not going to reply to your replys, even though I think I should. I would like to say thank you for not abandoning my story, even though it's been ages since I've posted.
's every one of you!
In this part of the chapter, some things might be either a little sudden, or a little weird...or both, so I have someone else's point of view, I wont say who, because I'm sure you'll figure it out. That person will be in this color. I know it's short, so I'm sorry, but I hope to get another chapter posted soon. Thanks for reading!
Happy Easter!
to all who celebrate it 
Without further ado... Chapter 16, Part 2
When both Hermione and I were awake and ready we left Hogwarts for Hogsmeade. We were getting our Christmas presents for practically everyone. (I won’t tell you now; I want it to be a surprise.)
We walked down to Honeydukes so Hermione could get part-one of Ron’s gift. When we got to the store (after much pushing and shoving through the huge crowd in front of it) I went to by something for Harry. I knew what I was getting him; I just wanted a little extra.
I grabbed a few chocolate frogs and a licorice wand and went up to the counter. I set my stuff on the counter and was getting my money out of my bag when I heard a drawling voice from behind the counter.
“Are you sure you can pay for all that?” it asked. I didn’t even need to look
up to know who said it.
“Yes Malfoy. I can pay for it.” I said, trying to control my easily sparked temper. “Are you working here?” I asked him, my curiosity getting the better of me.
“Why, Weaselette, would I, Draco Malfoy, need to work?” he asked. I rolled my eyes.
“Maybe your father finally went to Azkaban where he belongs.” I said without thinking. He either didn’t hear me, or he ignored me.
“Are you sure you can pay for that?” he asked, in a voice very unlike his own,
it was sweet, almost…concerned. It scared me.
“I’m fine Malfoy.” I muttered.
“I’d be happy to help.” He told me.
“Why, in the name of Merlin, would you want to help me pay for a gift?” I asked.
“I don’t know, save your money for something you actually want to buy.” He
said with a shrug.
“I do want to buy this.” I told him. “It’s for Harry.”
“Oh, Harry.” He said. Just then the real cashier came back. Draco glared at her and stepped out from behind the counter. The cashier eyed the things I had on the counter, and asked if I was buying those.
“Yes.” I told her. I paid then looked at Draco.
“If you will excuse me, I must go find Hermione.” I said as sweetly as I could muster. He was still glaring at the cashier, so he didn’t notice me walking off.
I made it half-way to Hermione, and he grabbed my arm. I whipped around, my loose hair smacking his face.
“Listen, Malfoy,” I said, my voice no longer sweet, “leave me alone and get back to your precious Pansy.” I ordered.
“Didn’t you hear?” he asked with puppy-dog eyes, “We broke up.” He told me.
“Whatever.” I muttered. I turned around, but once again he grabbed my arm.
“Ginny!” he called me Ginny? “Ginny, wait! I love you!” he whispered.
I didn’t plan on it, I didn’t even think, but before I could stop myself, I had brought my hand back and full on punched him in the face. When I realized what I did I secretly checked to see he wasn’t too hurt, and I turned on my heel to find Hermione. Turns out she had already paid, so we went out of the shop, and climbed up the hill back to Hogwarts. On our way out she eyed Draco curiously (he was on the floor holding his nose), and when she asked me what was wrong, I told her I’d tell her later.
This was definitely the stupidest plan ever. Did the Dark Lord really expect Weasel’s little sister to fall for me, I mean come on! Anyway, it was father’s orders, so I guess I had no choice. I walked down into Hogsmeade, with Pansy hanging on me as always, following Granger and Weasley. I saw them walk into Honeydukes, so I shook off Pansy and went in after them.
Inside, they went over to the shelves, and when I saw Weasley head towards the counter I shooed the cashier away and went behind it myself.
When she put her things on the counter, I started the stupid mission.
“Are you sure you can pay for all that?” I asked. She didn’t even look up before she responded.
“Yes Malfoy. I can pay for it.” she said, obviously trying to control her temper. “Are you working here?” she asked me.
“Why, Weaselette, would I, Draco Malfoy, need to work?” I asked. She rolled her eyes.
“Maybe your father finally went to Azkaban where he belongs.” she said. I was mad, but I ignored her anyway
“Are you sure you can pay for that?” I repeated, in a voice very unlike my own, it was sweet, almost…concerned. It scared me.
“I’m fine Malfoy.” she muttered.
“I’d be happy to help.” I told her without thinking, why would I want to spend my own money on her?
“Why, in the name of Merlin, would you want to help me pay for a gift?” she asked.
“I don’t know, save your money for something you actually want to buy.” I said with a shrug.
“I do want to buy this.” she told me. “It’s for Harry.”
“Oh, Harry.” I said, disgusted. Just then the real cashier came back. I glared at her and stepped out from behind the counter. The cashier eyed the things Weasel had on the counter, and asked if she was buying those.
“Yes.” She told her. She paid then looked at me. I, however, was still glaring at the stupid cashier.
“If you will excuse me, I must go find Hermione.” she said, sweetly. I didn’t notice her walk off, so when I turned around to find no one there, I ran up to her. She made it half-way to Hermione, and I grabbed her arm. She whipped around, her loose hair smacking my face.
“Listen, Malfoy,” she said, her voice no longer sweet, “Leave me alone and get back to your precious Pansy.” she ordered.
“Didn’t you hear?” I asked with puppy-dog eyes, “We broke up.” I lied.
“Whatever.” she muttered. She turned around, but once again I grabbed her arm.
“Ginny!” Wait, I called her Ginny? “Ginny, wait! I love you!” I said, once again without thinking. What? I was running out of time and that was the last thing I could think of.
Before I knew what was happening, Weasel had brought her arm back and full on punched me smack on the nose. I grabbed it, and fell onto the ground. I made sure it wasn’t bleeding, and looked up to see Weasette leave the shop with the mud-blood.
Great, my chance was over. I stood up, glared at anyone that was staring, and left the stupid shop.
When I got out of the store Pansy was leaning against the wall and crying.
“What’s the matter with you?” I asked. She didn’t reply with words…she smacked me.
“What was that for?!” I yelled.
“Since when are we broken up?” she wailed.
“We’re not!” I yelled.
“But the Weasley girl said-”
“Oh shut up!” I ordered as I turned and went back to Hogwarts. Like I said, sorry it's short, and it kinda skipped at the beginning, but I hope you enjoyed it still. Thanks!