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"Ten years?!" Rico raised an eyebrow and whistled, long and low. "I did a little travelling myself, but definitely not that much!" he grinned and shook his head, impressed.
And then there was Disney World, the tourist capital of America. "Ah yes, who doesn't love Muggle theme parks?" He smiled again. "I loved visiting there, a few times for recreation and once for work." Rico chuckled to himself at the memory. He'd had to sort out a wizard who tried to apparate inside the park so that he could save a few bucks on entrance tickets. It was a good idea, but poor execution and planning resulted in some major splinching.
Tonya giggled at Rico's shock, "Yes ten years. I had alot of time on my hands didn't know what I wanted to do after I graduated so what started out as a after graduation trip turned into my life for ten years." she said giggling again.