Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Rico rushed into the conference room, his robes billowing behind him, a stack of papers under his arm. "So sorry I'm late, Evaline," he said as he exhaled and slid into the seat next to Constana.
He looked up to where she had written what they knew on a board, and realized the research he had worked on was already irrelevant. Ok, step two, Suave, he thought shifting in his seat. "Right, so while we're at Quibbler headquarters," Rico said, speaking up. "we need to find out who the source was for this article, and then investigate that source, I think," he nodded. "If we follow the source...shouldn't that lead us to whoever's doing the illegal trading? It has to be someone - or something - with connections across several continents."
He paused, and shuffled through his papers for the right one. "If this Quibbler story is correct," he added, "the animals have to be coming from multiple sources. Aren't demiguises found in the Far East? And lethifolds come from tropical regions?" Rico looked up from his notes and glanced at the woman from the magical creatures department.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |