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Old 03-13-2008, 03:13 PM   #151 (permalink)
Baffling Bella
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Brianna Lynn Bunch
First Year

Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie View Post
Royda smiled, glad to know that this woman was nothing like... well, nothing like Corranda. "It's okay, I guess I can stay," she said politely.

The event.... Yes. Royda opened her mouth to speak - and then closed it, all of a sudden. Her face went blank, her expression, her eyes, everything - all was completely and absolutely blank for a second, as if it had all slid out of focus. When she spoke, a second later, however, she seemed her normal self.

"Corrandadadada cast it on me, she asked and I let her," she began naturally. "And then I couldn't see her. Man, it was weird. I couldn't see her for nearly forty minutes. Then, um, I began to see one of her hands, then both, could see all of her again in less than a minute after that."

She paused. Something didn't feel right. Royda felt... dizzy. She shook off the feeling, and then looked up at Brianna. "Is that okay? Or have I said anything wrongly? I'm sorry, but, like, I've never talked to a Ministry official before. Sorry again if I'm messing up somethin', you know."

Brianna had been watching the woman closely, which was entirely natural given that this woman had had a lot happen to her in the past fifteen minutes. She watched as her eyes slid out of focus and a sleeping sort of blankness flickered across her features. Something is not right here, she thought to herself. "I'm sorry Royda, could you repeat that, I'm afraid I couldn't write quickly enough to keep up with you." She had her clipboard still gripped in one hand, where it had been for most of the morning. "Start right back where you started this time, please." She smiled encouragingly and raised her quill to the clipboard, but kept her eyes on Royda's eyes.
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