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Old 03-10-2008, 01:06 AM   #125 (permalink)
Posts: n/a

Picking up her pot, Liz moved it closer, so she could add the fertilizer. She glanced into her book...Hmmm... so it should be 10-10-10. Wait, but I maybe it's supposed to be high in I'll put in 20-10-10

She places some rocks in the bottom of the pot and smaller pebbles on top of them, then adds soil on top and fills it about 1/3 of the way up the pot.

Ooops, I a little too much, she says to herself, and then takes a handful off.

She then gently lifts out the monocot, careful not to damage the roots, thinking to herself, she remembered the roots on a monocot are very delicate and netted, also remembering that if any roots are damaged the plant can become stressed until it can regrow more roots at the next flush of growth.

She glances up and realizes that the rest of the class, haven't begun potting the plants yet, so she sits and waits...

Last edited by Lizasaurus; 03-10-2008 at 01:34 AM.