SS Senile Senior
Qaz hadn't come across anything of importance, except for her tabby, Hijinx. He was out looking for something to eat when she ran into him.
Qaz explained the mission to her cat and he went off on a hunt of his own. She doubted that he would come across something, but there was the possibility. He was very intelligent, as cats go. HiJinx loved to hunt. He'd rather track down a mouse or two, but clues are what he was told to find, so clues would be found. He wandered around through the trees and bushes, Mistress at his heels, hoping to find something useful. He came across something soft which smelled bad. He let out a loud, 'Neyauw'
Qaz heard HiJinx call, so she ran right over. He had found something. 'That's a good boy,' she said as she stroked his back. It looked like a Hufflepuff scarf. It could be very important, so she called out, 'Professor, we found a Hufflepuff scarf' |