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Old 03-06-2008, 04:46 PM   #45 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by DumbledoRO View Post
"Okay, Emma then," Rico smiled, pleased by her professional, polite manner. Obviously, she was all business, as evidenced by the Muggle notepad already in her hand.

Too bad the office was so quiet.

Rico cleared his throat, trying to think of some task for her. "Well, Emma, we don't have any specific assignments, uh…..yet," he said, tidying the papers on his desk. "I was just about to speak to our Department Head, however, as I think I've come across something of concern," he continued, a slight frown clouding his handsome face. "Perhaps you could set up your desk, and then I'm sure I'll have something for you to do after I meet with Eva--I mean, Miss Bass." He nodded politely and gathered The Quibbler and some of his research to show to the boss.

Emma frowned a little, feeling a little unsettled. She had been sure that there would be plenty of work to go around. Slightly disappointed, but not wanting to show it, she smiled brightly to her boss. It wasn't his fault that the departement lacked work at the moment.

"That's fine, Rico. I'll await your instructions upon your return." she said as she put back her memo pad and pen in her pocket. She straightened her robe with a quick flick of her lapels.

"Just another question though... which cublicle should I be taking? There are quite a few out there." she added with a nod toward the outer office. "I wouldn't want to take one that belongs to another employee that has more seniority." She smiled again, hoping that he would indicate in which section she should be establishing herself. Should it be closer to the entrance or near his office? She wasn't certain in what capacity she would be employed for the moment. Though she enjoyed searching for facts and information, she would be happy with simple clerical tasks if that was demanded of her.
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