Haunted Lollipop ☛ Powerpuff Girl Lola looked up as the women entered the room. She apparently was their Division head. Putting on her best impression, Lola walked over and held out her hand. "I'm Lola Adams, it's nice to meet you ma'am. We're just testing out this new cauldron that Mr. Wordsmith dropped off. It's made of this muggle metal mixture. Stained Steel, right Chiara?"
Lola walked over, her high heels clacking with each step. She waved her wand and the knives fell with a metallic clank onto her desk. She held up the board with the daisy roots. It was very important they be even. Realizing she never finished explaining what she was doing, Lola addressed her boss. "I suggested making a simple potion first, just to see how quickly it heats up and how it handles normal things. I'm preparing a simple shrinking solution."
She heated the cauldron and filled it with water and dropped in the ingredients, carefully making sure the potion was turning the proper colors. "Potion seems to be progressing faster than usual," Lola noted aloud, watching Chiara's quill jot down the remarks.
After some period of time, though much shorter than usual for this potion, it was a bright green. To the average muggle, this would seem dangerous, but to a wizard, it's color meant it was prepared correctly. "Now, to test it!" She took a tiny dropper and filled it with the liquid. She grabbed a spider from a jar and placed it on her desk. She dropped a little on her desk, and watched as the spider walked over it, presumably somehow drinking it.
Then, suddenly it began to get smaller and smaller, until it was in an egg. "That happened much faster than usual. Interesting. I wonder if this metal has some magical properties and the muggles don't know it."
She walked over to another cabinet labeled 'antidotes', and found a small vial labeled 'Reversing Shrinking Solution'. She took another dropper and dropped some on the egg, and watched the spider grow up, back to normal. She picked it up and put it back in the jar. She waved her wand and the contents of the cauldron vanished. She looked at her desk, frowning at the mess left behind. "Scourgify!, she loudly said, and her wooden desk sparkled with cleanliness.
"OK, well that was fun! Ms. O'Connor, do you have any suggestions for what to try next?" Lola politely inquired. She stood straighter than normal and checked to see if her hair was in place. Making a good impression was very important to her. |