Thread: Harry Potter: Best Kept Secret - Sa16+
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Old 02-27-2008, 02:34 AM   #159 (permalink)
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Glad you all liked the update!
The next chapter is the last one of this story That'll be up in a few days, and if you guys want a sequel, I have that started - just some parts missing. If not (kinda explained a bit longer further below), well yeah, whatever works really =)

I love how there were like, 20 readers in the beginning of the story but it dwindled down to three That's good cause that shows you guys are faithful readers! And it's always awesome to have such kewl readers like you guys

Harry and Ron just need to be the men I feel they should be.
Yep, they need to man up and accept the fact people are different, despite how it can be some drastic differences. That's clearly something they haven't seemed to realize that.

Wow... *just noticed part of my life is in the part of Harry and Ron not accepting Deanne because of being a vampire based on the meaning behind it*

Carlisle? Cody's a Cullen?! *squee* I knew I liked him!
Technically speaking he is. The history on that is in the sequel
It's kinda complicated so it's a long shot to call him a true Cullen. But he was transformed by Carlisle, which shows up in the possible sequel (the Cullens, all of them, are in it. Two chapters in the beginning/middle and afterwards a bit)

Yeah, I dunno if I should bother with the sequel or not... I jumped around in about 2 or 3 different spots and can't seem to get past any (the 3rd is one of the two possible endings so I guess that doesn't count) At this rate I'm thinking of scratching my prequel idea (I was thinking that I would do the sequel, and then the prequel where it's about... well it's about the chapter Dee's Secret with how she explained her past with Cody. It's that entire summary and a bit more in a story form but I suppose it won't work)

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