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Hogwarts RPG Name: Brianna Lynn Bunch First Year | Brianna walked down to the office and put the folder with their completed assignment on her desk, laying the letter on top of the others in the folder. Quote: "Mock" Mission:
Look at the scenario below and come up with a detailed plan of action to get the job done. Assign things to members such as researchers (are the witnesses realible? If so, are they telling the truth) testers, and of course what your final verdict on the spell is! When you're finished, just send someone down to Madeline's office to drop off your finished scenario.
A young wizard, Benji Newman, has been looking for a way to put his mark on the Wizarding world, and as soon as possible. He's come up with a fantastic spell that makes all blemishes disappear instantly from one's body--without any potions at all! However, in his rush to make history, he may have skipped a few steps. He insists the spell is fool-proof, but two people have said that:
-Delilah Hucklebee, 26, used to date Newman while they were in school. She claims that he was a slacker and never did his homework, so he most likely has come up with a spell that only works once in a while. However, she also stated that she and Benji ended their relationship after he caught her kissing another boy in the detention hall.
-Gladys Victorla, 67, taught Benji at Hogwarts and said he was gifted in charms, but not much else. However, she has also said he always completed homework for her class.
So, what do you think? Are Gladys and Delilah credible sources? Who will be researching the witnesses backgrounds? Who will test the spell? What will be the final outcome?
If you have any questions please contact Madeline ASAP. This is general practice for how most missions should be planned, although this setup is subject to change. Remember to just have fun with it and get the job done! Also keep in mind that when you're on the field, it could be very different...Wizards don't always act the way you want them to Under this paper was their results and the mock letters. Quote: We have determined that Gladys might be a credible witness, but since she did not provide any additional information concerning Mr. Newman's schooling, we cannot decide based on her opinion alone. Delilah, on the other hand, was found to not be a credible witness. The fact that she may have some residual animosity between herself and the charm creator, and the fact that she frequents detention enough to become familiar with the boys in there, is enough to discredit her.
I've assigned Shai Levy as the Point of Contact to gather more information from his other teachers with regards to personal studies and other information they may have, and she would disperse letters like the one below to each teacher.
I've assigned Piper Underwood as the Point of Contact for Mr. Newman. She will request for him to come in and perform the charm on himself since we are unable to determine if the charm is passive enough in nature to be used on our staff or by our staff. The close proximity to the Magical Accident Reversal Squad should alleviate any problems that might arise there. If he is willing to do this charm on himself, then we shall see what the effects are, if he is not, then we can be fairly certain that his motives were not with the best of intentions. The letter she would send to him is also included below.
I would reserve final judgement until after we see the charm performed by him, or his refusal to do so, and I would add that to the information gathered from his teachers before making a final decision to approve or disprove this charm.
Brianna Fraser
Division Head, Committee of Experimental Charms The example letters are here: Quote: Dear Mrs. Forde,
I am contacting you in regards to a former Potions student of yours, Benji Newman. He has created a charm for removing blemishes that he would like to get approved, however the two witnesses provided two very different opinions of him. I would like to know the answers to the following questions:
1. What kind of a student was Mr. Newman?
2. How did he perform in your class?
3. Do you know of his performance in other classes (other than charms)?
4. Did he always complete his assignments on time and in full?
5. Did he ever show a propensity for creating charms and spells?
Thank you for your cooperation.
Best regards,
Shai Yona Levy
Committee on Experimental Charms, Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes Quote: Dear Mr. Newman,
You are asked to come before the Committee on Experimental Charms. The reason of this call is because of your blemish curing charm. We regret to inform you that your charm hasn't been approved because of the insufficient resources provided to us, although your charm could be a great advantage in curing blemishes faster than any potion does and shows a great deal in advancing medicine.
Your evaluation meeting will take place on the 4th of March. We will hold off approval or disproval until that time.
Piper Underwood
Committee on Experimental Charms She closed the folder neatly and turned it so the label on the front was up. Smiling, she left the office, knowing that she would hear back about the mock scenario soon.
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