Cheesy Mac Reagan could see that the Minister was a bit distressed and offered gently, "Well, why don't I take the paperwork for the things you need done? I'll sort through it all and figure out who needs to be doing what to get it all completed promptly. And I'll schedule for Bella to come in and organize your office. When would you prefer her to do that? While you're in the office or while you're out on lunch? Or perhaps after you've left for the day? I could make her stay late." Reagan knew Bella probably wouldn't like that too much, but such is life when you're the Junior Assistant to the Minister. Besides, that would mean Reagan would have to stay too in order to lock up properly. Not that she minded, she had plenty of work to attend to.
In response to the Minister's dissatisfaction with the speed of delivery of his tea, Reagan frowned ever-so-slightly. She wasn't sure which is was, though she had a feeling the cafeteria was the problem. "Well, Bella left for the lifts just as soon as I requested that she retrieve your tea. And it was still steaming hot when she arrived back up to the office, which probably means she came back up to the office as quickly as possible. So unless she dawdled on the way down to the cafeteria, my best guess would be that the problem is with how long it took the cafeteria to get your tea and not with Ms. Brown. But I can do some further investigating. Would you like me to look into it?" Reagan stared inquisitively at the Minister, calculating in her head how many minutes would need to be spent determining who was at fault, and adding them on to the end of her day.
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