Originally Posted by Willow_Kovac In her way to the office of the Department's head, Constanza saw one of her employees stuffing her things back her bag. Thankfully, she had picked up everything quickly to avoid a mess. Good "Good Morning" She said politely to the young girl, as she passed beside her, and strolled to the entrance of the room. Kayleen smiled sheepishly up at her passing department head. "Good Morning," she mumbled. She tucked her head back down quickly and hurried to find her cubicle.
Once there, Kayleen proceeded to take her things back out of her bag. Ink bottles went into the shallow drawer on the top left side of her desk. Parchment went to the next drawer beneath that. Quills were dropped unceremoniously into an empty, washed out butterbeer bottle. She tucked her wand into a pocket in her leather bag and set that next to her feet under the desk.
__________________ ...to start over... |