Just as Mikayla opens the door to the office, Madeline comes rushing out. I wonder whats happened?.
Mikayla walks to Mona's desk and spots an assignment, left by Madeline.
She reads what the assignment says and grabs some parchment and a quil from her desk, and uses a levitation charm to move her chair from behind her desk, to Mona's desk so they can work together. She sat on the chair and made notes as she spoke.
"Hmmm,we could maybe pass it off as mistaken identity, like maybe the witch or wizard was gardening with their child, and what they thought they saw was really a baby crying.
If the witch or wizard was in a greenhouse we could say the heatwaves from inside the greenhouse distorted what the muggle saw.
With the muggle passing out we could also say it was a leaking gas pipe, and that the gas knocked them out, causing halucinations at the same time." Mikalya stopped writing, and looked up at Mona, waiting to hear what she said |