02-24-2008, 05:55 AM
#4 (permalink)
Join Date: Mar 2006 Location: trying to stay away
Posts: 1,368
Hogwarts RPG Name: Elizabeth Brecker Fifth | Thanks you guys for reading! 
Sarah - Nah, mum wasnt mad. and i think you mean why you love steve. cuz, me, myself, and i? not so much w/ the steve loving.
anyways, here's the next chappie! its kinda short, but they'll get longer! promise! However, because he had left too soon, he hadn’t gotten any of Pansy Parkinson’s chapstick, and was on his way to the mysterious room on the 7th floor.
I remembered the first time I had found the room. It was back in third year, the night after that Mudblood Granger had dared slap me. I had been searching for an empty classroom where AI could be alone. I had wanted to thin. A question had been burning in my mind that I wanted answered. Not that all that time thinking had helped me find it. I still didn’t know why the Mudblood’s attack had hurt so much inside or what that other strange feeling was that had suddenly appeared within my stomach whenever I saw her. I didn’t like dwelling on the subject- it always proved unfruitful. The only good that ever came out of it was the discovery of that strange room.
Since I had found it all those years ago, I had returned numerous times- to study in peace, to get away from his troubles, to think, to sleep, after Quittich games which I had lost to sodding Potter, after depressing classes where I got that strange feeling again after seeing the Mudblood all happy with her friends, after a disgusting fake display of affection for Pansy when other Slytherins became suspicious. I had even referred the place to Blaise and Pansy as a place they could sneak away to.
After what seemed like ages, I finally reached the seventh floor. I knew the room was across from the strangest tapestry- a depiction of Barnabas the Barmy being clubbed by trolls. He deserved it really; he should have known the trolls wouldn’t actually listen to him lecture on ballet of all things. Two hallways and turns to the right and I found myself in front of the item itself. I wrinkled my nose in disgust, it was a horrid looking thing and I wondered why anyone would ever be inspired to waste all that time to make something so unappealing. Averting my eyes from the revolting artwork, I began to walk back and forth, a single thought on his mind.
I need some chapstick.
I need some good chapstick.
I need some good chapstick now.
Turning around, I looked at the previous blank wall to find a simple wood door. Thinking my lips were finally going to feel better and that I would finally once again look like my perfect self, my hand reached out to grab the handle and yanked it open.
I had wanted chapstick.
I had asked for chapstick.
I had expected chapstick.
I had not expected to find two people tangled in each other’s arms snogging the bloody daylights out of each other like they had no other bloody purpose in the world! And to make matters worse, I recognized the two blubbering idiots! Never in my life would I, Draco Malfoy, have imagined Ernie I’m-So-Perfect-And-Never-Break-The-Rules-Cause-I’m-A-Bloody-Prefect Macmillan to get together with Millicent Living-Boulder-Who-Doesn’t-Know-The-Difference-Between-A-Person-And-A-Boulder Bulstrode. The results were… horrifying. I’d be scarred for life. And they didn’t even notice me in my misery.
Wishing to save myself from any further torture, I quickly slammed shut the door (which the two of them probably didn’t even notice) and tried to erase that memory from my mind forever. And tried. And tried.
Then I remembered that I still needed chapstick. So I headed down towards the Hospital Wing to see if Madame Pomfrey had any chapstick. And maybe ask for something to treat shock. And maybe a little something for the sore in my back… Which really was a shame. Cause if he would have gotten over the disgusting factor that Ernie and Millicent were secretly meeting up on a Saturday morning in a broom closet to snog each other senseless, he would have seen the rows and rows of tubes of chapstick.
__________________ SKITTLES .:Spuffy Addict:. ~Science/Math Geek~ NO PINK! Lizzy + Sarah = Best Friends! My fanfic ... Chapstick |
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