Ha, I came up with a good idea for another F.F yesterday. Based on a song (that I've known for ages but took forever to think of a good plot for it).
And the main character is an OC, but a guy this time because so far I only have one other f.f with a guy as the main character (his POV) that's an OC and that's the possible prequel for this story.
And I've started so many and haven't had much success... but I'm trying a bit harder with this one
And I didn't realize how important the name(s) in the story are (the main character's first name has a meaning I didn't realize until an hour ago. His fake last name was picked because of meaning though).
Another story based around secrets and lies, but that's because of the song. And the 'secret' is hinted in the first chapter and is known quickly, not like this f.f where it was known but not said til near the end. Only readers and one other character knows while everyone else is oblivious.
Man, I do like this idea a lot more than the other ones I had/have... it better work out!
Within the next few weeks I'm hoping to have it up too. It'll be called Angels (song by Within Temptation).
Chapter update = next post
(been ages since I said that!
