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Old 02-23-2008, 08:13 PM   #89 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Anna Keller
Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo

Originally Posted by H/G4eva View Post
oh noo, the Dursleys were killed, it's good that Dudleys still alive though. Why can't Ginny go with them?? I like the part about not getting another pigs tail

Post more soon!!!
I let Ron go cuz it's his house, so Harry wouldnt feel out of place, Hermione didnt even get to go. But it would have been cool if Ginny went...

Originally Posted by moonchic07 View Post
OMG that was a great post!!
Poor Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon, and they died for Harry's protection, they have some feelings for him after all, *cries*

Originally Posted by Little Trooper View Post
That was very good

what a twist in a way at the end.

So can't wait for more.
Originally Posted by marshmello_snitch View Post
Hey Sydnie!


HeY! Welcome to my FF! thanks for reading!

Originally Posted by Abbie0312 View Post
That was great! I would've expected Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon to have given into torture though... But still this means they're kinda nice
I thought that they needed more credit, they werent always evil

Originally Posted by x-HermioneGranger-x View Post

Love It,Bless Ginny

Love The story


Big Fan
Tash xx
HEy! thanks so much!

Originally Posted by griffin_girl View Post
strange. I never really thought he'd cry if the Dursleys died. He'd feel pity, yeah...but I dunno if he'd cry...*shrugs*

LoL...go Ginny! you tell that Trelawney who's boss! oh and BTW, it's Voila...not well-la...

cool chapter. made me laugh. the two firsties amuse me!
I swear, you think of everything! but thanks, it helps.
Viola? okay...thanks

Originally Posted by Ginnie Weasley View Post
this is quite a good chapter,though i can't figure out what well-la means.
Thanks, and I guess it's not well-la, its viola, i will change that

K, so this chapter is kinda slow, so it will probably be really boring. I luff you all! thanks so much!

Chapter 15

“Harry, are you okay?” I repeated. His tears were leaking down his face now.

“They never cared for me. They treated me like I was scum on the bottom of their shoes. They never told me they loved me, they never told me they were proud of me.” He sobbed. I don’t know why I didn’t stop him, but I just let him keep talking.

“They were always rude to me. They let Dudley bully me to a pulp. They locked me in a closet with no food for hours. They wished I was dead. But yet, they died trying to keep me alive. They died for me. They died to help me save the world. They died for me.” He repeated. I hugged him and let him sob onto my shoulder.

“They did love you Harry, I know that they did. They just had a hard time showing it.” I comforted him. He sobbed, his whole body shaking.

“I can’t believe they’d do that for me! I am their wizard nephew, I am the son of my aunt’s freak sister! I am the one that set a snake on Dudley!” my eyes widened as he said this, but otherwise I did nothing but hug him. He kept sobbing, I peeked at my watch, and I still had ten minutes.

“Harry, they loved you. I know that they did. If they didn’t they would have left you for an orphanage, or something. And your aunt didn’t think your mum was a freak, she just wanted to be her. It’s okay Harry. It will be okay.” I assured him. He nodded feebly. We sat in silence for a few minutes.

“Gin, I’m sorry I can only bring Ron, they won’t even let me bring Hermione. I’m really sorry, I wish you could come.” He apologized.

“It’s okay; I think you need a little time with your cousin, without anyone to distract you.” I told him.

“I think I want to go back to the house, see what it’s like, you know? Get any of my old things I forgot, or maybe look through the old cupboard I used to live in. Check out my aunt and uncle’s room. Do you think that’s a good idea?” he asked. I smiled.

“I think it’s great. But make sure you take Ron with you, just in case.” I told him. Then the bell signaling end of class sounded.

“I have to go, sorry.” I told him. I kissed his cheek and got off the couch. “Great.” I muttered when I remembered my bag was scattered. I quickly pushed everything into it and put it on my shoulder. With one last quick smile I walked out of the portrait hole.

My next class was Defense Against the Dark Arts. With the new teacher. Let’s see how this went…

I walked into the room and sat down at a chair in the second row. I was the first one in, and it seems like the teacher is included. She was no where to be seen. I sat there for about thirty seconds until the door opened behind me.

“Why don’t you scoot up to the first row?” someone asked. “I don’t bite.” I turned around to see Professor McKea enter the room. She was wearing swirling periwinkle robes, and her blonde hair was flowing. I smiled.

“Sure.” I picked up my stuff and sat in the one right in front of her.

“So what’s your name?” she asked.

“Ginny Weasley.” I replied.

“Oh, I’m surprised I didn’t realize that.” She said.

“Why?” I asked.

“Your hair.” She said and smiled. I laughed.

“Yeah, it does make it obvious.” I muttered.

“Sorry, but can I ask you a question?” she asked.

“Depends, but I guess I can’t say no to a teacher.” I smiled.

“Okay, are-”

“Hello, are we going to start class soon?” an airy voice asked. I turned
around. It was Luna.

“I didn’t know we had class with Ravenclaw’s.” I exclaimed. She nodded.

“Some sit by us.” Professor McKea offered. Luna smiled and flounced up to the seat on my right.

“What’s your name, Miss?” she asked.

“Luna Lovegood.” Luna relied fiddling with her bottle cap necklace. Professor McKea smiled.

“Well, I suppose I ought to get ready for class, I have been down in the teacher’s room all morning.” She smiled again and went to her office.

“Did you hear about what happened to Harry?” Luna asked. “About his family?”

“Yeah, I did. Sad, isn’t it?” she nodded. Just then I heard the door open again and I huge bend of Ravenclaw’s came into the room.

“Time to start, I guess.” I whispered. Luna smiled. Then more Gryffindor’s came in and sat down.

When class ended, Professor McKea dismissed us, and Luna and I walked out together.

“She was really nice.” Luna said thoughtfully. I agreed.

“What’s your next class?” I asked.

“Transfiguration.” She said.

“Cool, me too. I hope Hunter’s as good as McKea.” I mumbled. We walked across the school and ended up in the transfiguration room right as the bell rang. The professor walked in from the office, slamming his door.

“Transfiguration is not a game, and you do not have permission to mess
around. I expect nothing less than Outstanding, considering you are the N.E.W.T students. Yes, I know your N.E.W.T’s are next year, but you all made it here and I expect you to be the best. You will either address me as Sir or Professor Hunter. I will answer to nothing else. If I cannot read your handwriting, I will throw away the parchment. I will not tolerate any talking in my class at all. That includes back talking. If there is any rule-breaking, you will go straight to the Headmistress and I will let her deal with it. Now open your books to page four, and begin reading.” He flicked his wand and my book flew open. I jumped back, glared at him as he turned around, and began reading.

“That was brutal.” I muttered to Luna as we walked out of the boring classroom.

“Yes, he was quite rude. Very impatient. Wow, I think that they have pudding.” She said walking over to the Ravenclaw table once we entered the Great Hall. I walked over and sat by Hermione, who was scolding Ron for eating not-to-politely.

“Have you had Transfiguration?” Ron asked.

“Yes, but I have something more important to do then complain about a teacher. Have you guys talked to Harry since breakfast?” I asked.

“Well, he said to tell Slughorn that he ate a fever fudge, and I haven’t seen him since then.” Ron said with a mouth full.

“Oh, then you might want to get up to the common room, and hurry, we only have half an hour.” I told them. They looked about ready to protest.

“Don’t ask questions, just hurry! I’ll be right behind you.” I whispered loudly. They exchanged puzzled looks and got up from the table. “Hurry!” I mouthed. They sped up and went out of the big room.

I finished my lunch (a piece of ham and pumpkin juice) and left. I wanted to give them some time alone, so I walked slower than usual. unfortunately, on my way up I passed Melissa and Jessie. They saw that I was walking slow, and I’m sure I didn’t look too happy.

“What? Did Mr. Harry dump you?” Jessie asked. I ignored her.

“I’m sure Ms. Prefect doesn’t want to talk about it. It might make her cry.”
Melissa scolded. They both laughed. I tried to ignore them, but their next comment really stung.

“Jessie, I bet she’s crying because Harry only dated her last year to get Dean
jealous. I bet he only kissed her to get him mad.” Melissa stated, sounding like she was important. I turned around slowly, a smile on my face.

“If I were you guys, I would consider being more respectful to a prefect, you wouldn’t do well with detention.” I warned. Their eyes widened.

“Prefects can give detentions?” Melissa asked. I nodded.

“Oh, sorry Miss, we have to go to….”

“Herbology!” with that they took off. I turned back around, trying to get what
they said out of my head. I shook my head, as if trying to shake it out. I don’t know why, but it was bothering me. Was it true? “No.” I whispered. It wasn’t true. Harry loved…loves me. I know he does. “He does.” I told myself out loud. I made it to the Fat Lady, said the password, and went inside. Hermione, Ron and Harry were the only people in it, so I walked up slowly.

“Hey.” I whispered.

“Hey Gin.” Harry muttered.

“So, are you going?” I asked Harry and Ron.

“Yeh, I guess. I think Harry should.” Ron muttered. I looked towards

“What do you think?” I asked. She shrugged.

“I think they need to go. Harry needs to see his cousin.” She said. Harry nodded absentmindedly.

“It’s tomorrow, right?” I asked. Harry nodded again. I nodded, then checked
my watch.

“Sorry, I have to go, Charms.” I gave Harry a quick hug and went out the portrait hole.

The rest of the day was spent with classes, nothing out of the ordinary. I skipped dinner, realizing the trio wasn’t there, and went back to the common room. Hermione was reading a book.

“Where are the boys?” I asked sitting down by her. She ignored me while she finished the paragraph she was reading, folded down the corner of the page, then sat her book down on the table and turned to me.

“They are in their dormitory, packing.” She said. I muttered my recognition she said something and got off the couch.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“I don’t know, maybe down to the lake.” I told her. She went back to her

I walked around the lake a few times, thinking about Harry. Yes, I am pathetic. I thought about how troubled he seemed today, but who could blame him? Finally I sat down under a tree and threw a pebble into the water. I watched the ripples until they died, then picked up another one and threw it in. a deep chuckle behind me made me look up. When I saw who it was I jumped up.

“Hagrid!” I called. I tried to wrap him in a hug, but my arms only went halfway to his side.

“’Ey, Ginny.” He said patting my back. I flinched every time he hit it. I let go and smiled.

“How’s it been going?” I asked. he smiled back.

“Been pretty good. Lot’s o’ work to be done.” He shrugged his massive shoulders. “why don’ cha come an’ have a cuppa tea? No homework, I assume.” He said.

“Sure, I’ll come, and yes, no homework.” I replied. He chuckled.

“’S good. You okay, you seem a little outta the weather.” He noticed. This time I shrugged.

“I guess, a lot on my mind lately.” I replied.

“Well maybe you can tell me ‘bout it. Come in.” he said when we got to his hut. He opened the door and immediately Fang was drooling on my robes.

“Gerroff her, Fang, you mangy mutt!” Hagrid ordered. I laughed and sat down in a huge chair.

“So, how’s yer school?” Hagrid asked busying himself with a kettle.

“Pretty good, but have you talked to Hunter? I think he has great potential of being a Death Eater.”

“He was an auror.” He corrected.

“Oh, well he acts like he could be one.” I said. Hagrid nodded.

“Yea, he seems kinda strict, how are his classes?” he asked.

“Brutal.” I relied. “No talking, no whispering, you can’t even think loudly!” I exclaimed. Hagrid came over and handed me a huge mug, nodding.

“Yea, he seems like that type of person. Always gloomy.” He sat down on his bed.

“What ‘bout Harry? How’s he?” he asked. I sighed.

“Same, I guess, have you heard about his aunt and uncle?” I asked. his eyes
widened, and I took it as a no. “They were murdered. By some Death Eaters. Tortured for information, they didn’t give in, so they killed them. His cousin’s good though. He’s at my house.” I explained. His jaw dropped.

“Wow, I never woulda thunk it.” He whispered. I nodded. He dabbed at his
eyes. Some times he was so emotional, it was weird!

“Hagrid, it’s okay, I mean, Harry’s over it, kind of. He’s leaving tomorrow to go see his cousin. Don’t fret.” I patted his shoulder. He nodded, still dabbing at his eyes.

“It’s just so amazing. The Dursley’s, dieing for Harry. You never woulda thunk it.” He repeated. I looked outside, it was getting dark.

“Uhm, Hagrid, I got to go, it’s getting dark, and I could live without a detention.” I set down my mug and got up from the chair, with difficulty.
“Here, I’ll come, just so if it’s to late cha have a teachers permission.” He got up from his bed and walked to the door.

When we got to the Fat Lady I said goodbye and went inside. The common room was empty, so I went upstairs and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up early, hoping to see Harry off. I walked down into the common room, no body was there. I lay across the couch and stared at the ceiling. Soon I fell back into sleep.
Soon I heard people talking in hushed tones.

“I don’t want to wake her, she looks tired.”

“But you’ll be gone for a week.”

“We can write.”

“It’s not the same.”

“But she looks peaceful.”

“I’m awake.” I muttered. I opened my eyes and Harry and Ron were standing in front of me.

“Good, we need to go soon. I’ll write to you. I will tell you all about it when
we get back.” Harry said in a rush. He bent down and gave me a hug.

“Love you.” He added. Ron rolled his eyes.

“Love you.” I told him. “See you. Have a good time, stay out of trouble.” I said, sounding like my mum.

“Yes, mother.” Ron teased.

“Good bye Ronald.” I said warily. I smiled and fell back asleep.

It was already halfway through the next week, and it was very, very dull. Same classes, same events, and pretty much the same conversations. It was Thursday morning, and Harry was coming back Sunday. As I was eating breakfast, the post came. I scanned the owls looking for a familiar one, as I had done everyday, and finally I saw one. It landed in front of me, and stuck out its leg.

“Thanks Hedwig.” I told her. I ripped off part of a biscuit and gave it to her.

“Hermione, I’m going to go read this in the common room.” I whispered. She nodded and I got up and left.

When I got to the common room, I flopped onto the couch and opened the letter.

Dearest Ginny,
Being at the Burrow feels great. Not as great as it could be, if you know what I mean, with all this sadness around, but I do like it.
Dudley is getting used to his loss, but is still a little shaky. So far, no pigs’ tail. He likes Mrs. Weasley, say’s she reminds him of Petunia (which I don’t see at all, she is much, much nicer.) He is staying in Fred and George’s old room, and he doesn’t particularly like the smell.
Ron is Ron, still, and he says he would write to Hermione, but he is just too lazy. (Although those weren’t his exact words.) He and Dudley aren’t getting on well, Ron is immature. (Don’t let him see this letter.)
I might be coming back early, Maybe by Friday, I don’t know how long it will take Hedwig to deliver this, so you might not want to write back, I might not get it in time. But it would be a treat if I could read something on the train ride back, so it’s your choice.
Mr. and Mrs. Weasley send their love, and so do Fred, George, Bill, and Fleur. I must be going, Dudley has had an “experience” with your magic cleaning supplies, and Ron isn’t helping the situation.
I can’t wait to see you again, and hope you are well, Hermione too.
All my love and thoughts,


I turned over the letter and grabbed a quill out of my bag.

Glad to hear everything is okay, I wish your cousin well.
The smell of Fred and George’s room? is that somewhere between burnt rubber and soap? I can understand why a muggle wouldn’t like that.
And yes, Ron is immature, and no, I won’t let anyone read this.
I can’t wait for you to come back; I’m missing you every day.
All my love,


As I finished my letter, Hedwig flew in the open window, almost like on cue. I smiled at her and tied the letter to her leg.

“Please hurry.” I told her. She hooted and flew off.

The rest of the week was very boring. Finally it was Saturday night, and Harry was coming back. Hermoien and I were in the common room doing homework when the portrait hole opened.

“Hey Gin!” someone called.

“Harry!” I jumped off the couch and flung my arms around him. “Come on, tell
us all about it!” I ordered, smiling.

Like I said, it was proably boring, but thanks for reading it anyways, please comment!


P.S. My friend read my one shot, The worries of Little Lily Luna Potter and she said that I should continue it, but then she thought that I should do a marauders fic, it would be a full lenght fic. Do you guys think i should write it? This one would always get first priority though...please tell me what you think!

everlasting companion
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