"well then see you two at lunch then?" asked annie to Kahylee and Sasha. and she got up to go back to her work area to do some more work...
(Annie sat at her desk doing paper work...she thought about her new boss...he was certainly attractive but older...he seems very intresting...i wonder what gossip is out there about him...i wonder what the others think of him) Then she started speaking out loud kind of..."i like this job...i like this job..." she smiled as looking at the paper work..."but it is very quite still" Annie said.
Annie speaking to herself again quitely, "I wonder when we will hold our first meeting...i guess when everyone gets here, i thought there was a another new person here...maybe i'm wrong?"...filling out papers still and looking things over...
Loves her friends ! and her cat !
Last edited by Disneymaniac; 02-23-2008 at 05:19 PM.
Reason: Again...