Grey Warden ✗ Fenris ♥ ✗ Archdemon Slayer ✗ Champion of Kirkwall Quote:
Originally Posted by Ms. Diggory He turned to where Vladimir was, "Hey Vladimir, how's work?" he asked, staring at the few folders he hold before, "Are the faeries giving you a hard time?" he continued, he'd heard about it on his way to the Department.
Vlad took another sip of his coffee and remembered he wasn't in France. No speaking French to the British. He nodded to himself and smiled, broadly. "Work has been very good. A bit slow at the moment. I don't even think anyone is assigned in my division." He couldn't help it but when he spoke his french accent was really heavy. He shrugged his shoulders and drank the rest of his coffee. "Ah, the Faeries. They are doing very well. Being friends with the King of the Unseelie Court always helps. I have some good family connections." |