Mrs. Kevin Zegers Zoe's Stud Muffin Quote:
Originally Posted by Willow_Kovac Constanza let the man apologise, about what had just happened seconds before. She couldn't help but to smile a little at this; how could he imagine that a man would be named 'Constanza' was something she didn't know. Honestly, even if her name was not british, it did not sounded as man's name did it? "That's quiet alright, everyone make mistakes Mr. Letross" She said, trying not to give much importance to the little confusion of genders. "I certainly hope so, and I'm sure they won't" She replied, regarding his comment of not wanting their future meetings as embarrasing as this one. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't saw you earlier. I was slightly distracted" She said apologetically, as she looked in one of her cabinets for a bag of some muggle candy, she had bought recently. "Peppermint?" She said offering one of them. Muggle candy was not something she liked much, but peppermints were definitely an exception.
" Peter." He said when she called him Mr. Letross." If thats alright with you. Mr. Letross makes me feel older then i would like. " he confessed. "It's quite alright. " he told her when she said she was distracted. it was quite funny though he wasnt about to tell her that.He looked at the mints as she offered him one. He wasnt much of a mint person, but he didnt want to offend her. " Sure. Thanks." he said as he took one and put into his top coat pocket. He wasnt sure what exactly to do now. " so their will be more of us right. Its looks a bit empty." he said looking behind them. |