Mrs. Kevin Zegers Zoe's Stud Muffin Quote:
Originally Posted by Willow_Kovac Murdoch was checking the list of the names of the people on her division, slightly surpise to see that there were quiet a few people under her command. She couldn't help but to grin at this.
Constanza was about to start writing the names in a new parchment (the handwriting of the original one was quite messy), when she heard someone knocking her door. She was about to tell the person to come in, but before she could even open her mouth to do so, a tall young man , without even waiting her permission opened the door of her office and stepped in. The little grin ion her face, automatically vanished after this.
Her eyes narrowed just a bit, when the man asked her if she knew who Constanza Murdoch was, and where could he find him. Hmpf! "I'm afraid that the person you are looking for, is a she and not a he" She said sternly, yet her tone of voice remained polite. "I am Constanza Murdoch Mr. Letross" She said to the man standing in front of her, as she shook his hand.
Peter shook her hand as he then moved to look back at his piece of paper. Maybe some how it could help him, but nothing." Im sorry...They didnt.." he looked at her as he now felt really foolish." Sorry. I was standing near the door way and you were so focused i think you didnt see me." he explained. Yeah this was great. Awkward."its nice meet you.Hopefully our future meetings wont be as Embarrassing as this one." He gave her a smile as he then asked. He was sorta waiting for some direction. |