"Leachapillars in the breakroom on our level," Ivan replied. "Some idiot left them sitting around in a bag - they looked like raisins." He burped. "'Excuse me. I accidently ate one." He still felt queasy from the medi-wizard's vomiting-inducement potions. Of course, vomiting was better than having your blood drained by a leachapillar, but still...what a way to be cured!
"Thought maybe somebody down here ought to come get them." He ran a hand through his mussed-up hair, eyes roaming the holding cells. Fascinating. "And find the prat who left them lying about!" Ivan added, crankily.
"Do you suppose I could look around for a bit? Dangerous creatures are an interest of mine..." He shot the man a hopeful look. "Been thinking about studying them academically, you know...graduate work level."
__________________  Ivan Callistus: Optimistic Oblivious Obliviator  If only all mistakes could be obliviated... |