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Old 02-21-2008, 04:21 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by n1fanharry View Post
"Very well." said Dan, getting into a chair. "I want one because I`m tired of floo powder and I always have a cold after it."

Micah laughed in a businesslike way. "You've only listed one of many flaws while using magical transportation." Micah took out an application form. "You do understand that apparition, at first, can be very unpleasant. And that it will be very difficult to get used to. I shall explain what it is like to apparate. When apparating, a very unpleasant squeezing sensation, as though being sent through a tight rubber tube will be felt, each and every time."

He smiled once again. "Since you are my very first applicant, I shall do the honors of filling out your application for you." He said, while smiling. "What is your full name, Mr...?"

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