♥ Honeybee's puppy I B&B forever ♥ Quote:
Originally Posted by *JoshMoonson*
"Mental note...keep you away from street racing." he said as he loved to drive fast as well. It was just the excitement kicking in as you drove. Not to mention winning always made one feel better. He focused more on her as she asked what he thought of her beauty." I think your quite princess worthy. The title suits you well." he chuckled at her as she thought he needed something." Its quite alright. I dont need anything." he told her as he then continued." When. Right now. Come on. Dont get attacked by anything on the way to the castle alright." he said as he then lead her out of the park. "Hahaha..why I should keep myself away from the Street racing? You know onething I'm so much interested in muggle things..especially the bike and car races..I would like to participate rather than watching.." she said, her voice echoed the enthusiasm. But the enthusiasm turned a slight blushing again, "Oh thanks, and you're like superman too, even though I didnt see you fly..yet" she complimented him back.
"No..Josh, I'll suprise you later..now lets go for a adventour" she walked outside the park with Josh.
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