Mawookiee ★ Stitch ♥ her 2 owners ★ H-O-C-K-E-Y Quote:
Originally Posted by FoxFire "Morning, gentleman," Mona said, poking into the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad office. "How are we today?" Lance look toward the door where someone seems to have peek in. "Morning miss. So far it's a fine morning but unless you have aspirin it can be better." Still looking for something to stop his headache he put his hand on his temples. Quote:
Originally Posted by shortfry Jake turned and looked at Lance strangely. "Aspirin? No can't say that I do. Is everything ok Lance? It may get really busy around here, and I need you on your top game today. Not that you usually aren't...but you know what I mean. If you're head isn't here today, I need to know. I'll send someone else out in the field." Jake said rubbing his temples. His day was getting more complicated with each passing moment.
Jake laughed at Lance's comment about it being quiet around the office. "Yeah...never a dull moment is an understatement with this division." He turned around to his desk and popped open the briefcase, taking out a thick log book. "This log book just goes to show how crazy it's been around here." Jake said as he plopped it on his desk with a huge thud. "Man am I thankful for self writing quills." Jake laughed. "It's the only thing that saves me from going insane at night. Although I must admit reliving some of the jobs at the end of the day is pretty humorous. It never ceases to amaze me how witches and wizards can get themselves into so much trouble." Jake laughed again. Lance smiled at Jake in order to reassured him. "I'm fine just got a bad night of sleep and all I need right now it's either some aspirin or a cup of coffee which I seems to have forgotten when I walk in here." He really dont want to get pushed aside for any jobs. This was something he could handle. "You know you can count on me no matter what. I'm just starting slow this morning." Cracking his neck while making some movement with his head he taking some deep breathes in order to focus himself.
He winked at Jake. This was what he liked about this job. He was surrending by peoples that love to work and to this kind of job. "I wouldn't have been here in the first place if I didn't want to have tones of things to do. I can't imagine myself in a place where nothing happens. You know me man, I need actions." Grinning at his comments about self writting quills he had to admit that without those babies it would be hell. "You have to love those quills. I'm forever thankfull for the one who invented it."
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