Okay, so I basically am in love with your work, as you already know! I have several requests, if it's not too much. Clearly, I'll be at the end of the list, and you
will take as much time as you need. I'll be gone from the 21st - 3rd anyway. But, I just finished reading the
Twilight series today, and I'm obsessed, and so I thought I'd request a few
Twilight-themed ones.
Hope it's not too much. LET ME KNOW IF IT IS!!!
Request 1: Signature: Jacob Black
(Top left corner...as if looking down.)
Bella Swan
(Bottom right corner please.
Text: "I would've been healthier for you. Not a drug; I would have been the air, the sun..." - Jacob/Bella"
Request 2: Signature/Avvie: Jacob Black 2 Bella Swan 2
Text: "He's her New Moon - Jacob/Bella"
Request 3: Signature/Avvie: Jacob Black 3
(Just him, not with the girl, please!
Bella Swan 3 Edward Cullen
Text: "Choices..."
Request 4: Signature/Avvie: Edward Cullen 2 Bella Swan 4 Jacob Black 4
(Just him, not with the girl, please!
Text: "Do I Live Without the Drug or the Air?"
(Could you somehow make it so that 'drug' goes under Robert Pattinson [Edward] and then 'air' goes under Stephen Strait [Jacob]. Thank you!
Request 5: Signature/Avvie: Jacob Black 5 (Text: "Werewolf") VS
Edward Cullen 3 (Text: "Vampire")
(Again, could the text distinguish between the fact that Jake is the werewolf and that Edward is the vampire?
Thanks, lovely. I heart you very much! Take you're time, please.
You're the best!