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Old 02-18-2008, 05:20 PM   #13 (permalink)
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 6,963
Snape is my man! ♥Melita's Sweetheart♥

Originally Posted by Japanese Wizard View Post
Jessy excitedly walked towards Park #66 with a rush of excitement. When he reached the gate, he muttered the password quietly then entered. When he got in, the gate behind him slammed back to be locked. Jessy jumped. He looked around to see the awesome creatures. He saw Dia and an unknown friend. "Hello there, Dia." He said as he approached her.
"Why, good day, Hitachi." Dia nodded to him, walking back into the dark corner of the barn where she threw a particularly bloody piece of meat to the thestral, who ate it gratefully.

Originally Posted by XanaSnape

"To say the least." she sighed. "I..."

Damn. A friend of Dia's came in.. since when was she such the social butterfly?? She could never seem to get a moment to talk to her these days. Oh well. She took a bit of Dia's meat and fed a thestral quietly, not knowing the boy.
Dia looked to Xana, wondering what it could possibly be. "Ah...and by the way--Xana, this is Hitachi Jessy Suzuki. He's a Slytherin third year. Hitachi, this is Xana Venefica--seventh year Slytherin, like myself."
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