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Old 02-18-2008, 05:03 PM   #10 (permalink)
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 6,963
Snape is my man! ♥Melita's Sweetheart♥

Originally Posted by XanaSnape View Post
Xana saw that familiar tiny girl with long, flowing jet black hair enter the park. She spoke the password and followed her into the thestral area.

"Hey." she said softly. Her eyes were bloodshot with dark circles under them, her countenance tired and stressed. "Care to share?" she gestured to the meat, hoping to feed the thestrals while they talked.
Dia heard a familiar voice behind her and turned around, causing the thestral she was feeding to promptly grab a piece out of her hand. She glanced back over at the thestral and shook her head, obviously amused. The seventh year walked over to Xana, smiling. "Of course. What's wrong? Did you not get a good nights' sleep?"
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