[Banner By Me(Joanna)]
As you can see above I also Draw pictures and put them into graphics. I'm Thirteen, My names Joanna and Im about halfway done with 7th grade which means It will be hard for me to get on and get requests done frequently so please be patient. In the past I've done some threads but due to craziness they got deleted. So im back to try again!!
Here are some examples.
Boys Like Girls-
Fall Out Boy-
This one is me and my Friend, sorry-
A Couple of my Charries-
Well they are kinda amature because I use Paint Shop that comes on a computer, no fancy high-tech stuff sorry!! I can do flashing icons. But above is my stuff, Requests Are wanted I need something to do when there is no homework =]!!
All SS rules apply
Dont get all impatient if i cant get your request right away
Credit is needed, Please Either a link or just the title of the Thread!
I work hard so If you dont like something please tell me so i can get better!