Samson... might get mentioned... a lot 
Poor Issy. She can't help it! SHE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND WHY SAMSON IS SO SPECIAL! She wants to convince herself SO badly that he's a stupid boy, so she'll stop crushing on this boy who doesn't even seem to like her back. =[
Poor baby.
I shall be writing more. MUCH more.
ENJOY! Quote:
Originally Posted by
HAHA my inner shipping monster has came out to ship Issy and Samson. That would be cute XD this journal entry fanfic idea is actually appealing to me. MOAR PLZ
Yaaaay we've got the Professors on our side! xD Not that Samsson is like, NOT obvious or anything. But you know, the shipping monster knows cute fluff when it sees it, yeah?
I really like this idea, myself. :3 Hence why I'm writing it. I think it's fun to track Issy's thoughts. 
Originally Posted by
Awww c'mon, rotten girl?

*pokes Issy* Well, alright, I admit it, she IS kinda rotten
I wanna read more about this Issy/Samson relationship

Hey. You know your character well. =P Issy has her thoughts, anyway. And can we really deny her the funnies that make us chortle? Teehee.
Originally Posted by
Control Freak!!!!?!?! And that's right Aiden and you= never friends ever ever ever.
Wow. *sniff* That hurts *sniff* *shuts Callies mouth.*
BRILLIANT as usually mah Ashsicle. Keep it upppp!
-rolls- Oh, Callie. You can't hold it against ME what Issy says about you. And shall I even pull out quotes of what YOU think about darlingest Issy? Ahhh that's what I thought.
-covers Issy's mouth-
Anyway. Thank you, PicklePie ^____^ I'm glad you enjoy. I figured YOU would get a kick out of Issy's inner monologue. =]
And now cheeldren. I present to you.
MOAR! (It's short, I know. But. Yah. xD)
September 2 [Sometime after 10 am]
I haven’t got much time to write this – I’ve just run upstairs to change my shoes but had to quickly scribble this down, so my handwriting probably looks all scratchy and hard to read but I have to get this out as quickly as I can. Suddenly, I’m not even sure what to write or what to say but I kind of feel like Samson and I had a MOMENT. But I don’t know what KIND of moment or if it was a moment at all.
I was sitting on the couch, talking to Juniper about going outside (I wish the rain would just not come!) and suddenly, Samson topples over the back of the couch and is in my lap. Which was, in itself, totally shocking and made it hard to breathe. But then! THEN! When he DID sit up, he totally leant over towards me and had his arm behind me and surely he was playing around but the point remained he was so CLOSE to me and I couldn’t BREATHE and it was just so surprising and shocking! I was so giddy, too, because he was grinning and laughing and playing along.
I love it when he calls me little flower; I shouldn’t, because it’s merely a nickname, but I do, oh so very much. Bad Isabella! Samson is merely a stupid boy and you should think nothing more of him.
Which is why you should stop blushing right now!
STOP IT ISABELLA! No boy is so special and no boy has ever BEEN this special. So stop flushing and acting like a fool. There’s nothing that great about him. Sure, he looks amazing and he seems really mysterious and alluring and getting him to smile or laugh is a challenging game in itself but why should you jump through so many hoops? So. Stop it.
…it was totally a moment, though, wasn’t it?
Ag! Juniper is waiting! I need to get downstairs.