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Old 02-12-2008, 02:19 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Default Volume 9, Special Issue
Cap'n Waffles | | Pirlo ♥

Monday, February 11th 2008

Welcome to Hufflepuff!

A warm welcome to all new Huffies! You've been sorted into a wonderful house, and we're sure you'll make plenty of friends and enjoy your time with us! We have won both the House Cup and the Quidditch Cup several times in the past terms, and we are counting on you to help us be on top again!

If you're a bit confused or lost at first, don't worry, it's completely normal! In fact, the purpose of this special issue of the Herald is to help you with any concern you might have about life here at Hogwarts! It contains a staff list, helpful links, a FAQ, roleplay tips and classroom tips. If you still have questions, feel free to contact our Head of House or an older student. Have fun!

Head of House - Prof. Natasha T. Blaylock-Erikson (Nabiya)
House Mod - Prof. Macadrian A. Shackleton (lemondrop13)
House Prefect - Amelia Rose (PhoenixRising)
Quidditch Captain - Jack Langley (Tinkerbell*)

The Herald's History

The Hufflepuff Herald is your number one source of information concerning everything school-related. This is the 9th edition of the Herald, which has switched hands several times: Nabiya MacPherson, Raymond Luxury-Yacht, Evy Abagnale and Evan Cassels have all been editors of the Herald. Your current co-editors are Evzen Ferez (Evy) and Caitlin White (

Helpful Links

Hogwart's Weathervane
This thread is constantly updated to display the current weather at Hogwarts.

What in Merlin's Beard!
Did a niffler attack a student during a CoMC lesson? Did you spot Professor Erikson and Blaylock kissing by the lake? This is where we are keeping track of everything that is happening in the school during the term. You may only post updates on the school plot in that thread.

The House Point Hourglasses
If you are wondering when and how house points were lost and gained throughout the term, this is the place to look. Teachers edit the first post of the thread when students win or lose points for their house.

School Directory
Can’t find your way around the castle? Don't remember on which floor the Arithmancy classroom is located? This thread might help you.

Hogwarts, A History
This website holds information about the current and previous staff, a timeline of events as well as summaries of the plots from the previous terms. (Please note that it's been a while since it's been updated.)

All I Really Need to Know…
This thread contains tips on how to RP or improve your RPing skills.

SS Board Rules
As a member of, it is your responsibilty to abide by those general rules, otherwise you may receive a warning.

Hogwarts School FAQ
This section contains all the information concerning the school RPG.

Suggestion Box
This is a forum where you can post suggestions for ways to improve the school RPG. Please make sure there isn’t a similar thread before creating a new thread, and be respectful to the staff and members when posting your suggestion.

Question Thread
You can ask any questions relating to the school RPG in this thread. A staff member or an older member will answer your question.


Where can I find my member number?
You can find your member number by clicking on your username to view your profile, and then by looking at the number at the end of the link. For example, mine would be 49537.

What year are we supposed to be in?
The RP is taking place in 2064.

Do I have to do the homework and attend classes?
No, it is not mandatory. However, if you want to earn house points for Hufflepuff, completing homework and participating in the classes is the best way to do it.

What does OOC mean?
OOC means ''Out Of Character'', while IC means ''In Character''.

How can I get involved in the school story? I feel so out of everything.
There are so many ways to get your character involved in the RPG! The best ways are having them join the Quidditch team, participate in the classes, and meet other students! Also, if you're confused about what's going on in the school's plot line, take a look at Hogwarts, A History; it should help answer a lot of your questions.

Is there a Head Boy and Girl? Are there Prefects?
Well, currently we do not have a Head Boy or Girl. However, there are Prefects for each house, and they do the same as in the books; they can easily get you in trouble if they catch you misbehaving.

If you have any other questions concerning the school RPG, feel free to contact your Head of House.

Role-Play Tips

1. Try to use proper spelling, grammar, etc. It makes what you've typed look much more attractive and also easier for others to read.
2. Be realistic. Don't RP in two different places - if you're injured and carried to the Hospital Wing, how could you possibly be carrying on another conversation in the Charms Classroom uninjured?
3. Keep OOC comments low. Sometimes it is unavoidable, but if you can, PM the member you're RPing with to chat.
4. Be nice. It can be hard to bite your tongue, but it's much easier to avoid a fight then to get detention, loose house points, and have a lot of people upset with you.
5. Make new friends! If anything, having lots of friends in the RPG spices things up. It makes things a lot more fun.
6. Try to avoid posting one-line role plays. It looks a bit tacky, and it's a lot better to go into detail about what you're character is doing. Despite keeping things realistic, it also gives you more to talk about.
7. Have fun! What would the role play be if everyone was bored our of their minds? Attend classes, join a team, or even just talk to anyone you meet.

Classroom Tips

1. Respect your teachers and classmates.
2. If you come online while the class is already going on, do not announce that you are late. Simply act like your character’s been there the whole time, otherwise teachers will deduct points from our house.
3. If you’ve got to leave before the end of the lesson, do not announce it.
4. Unnecessary chatting in the classroom will not be tolerated.
5. Keep OOC comments to a minimum.
6. When the teacher asks a question, feel free to raise your hand and offer an answer. The quickest answers as well as the most creative answers can be rewarded with house points.
7. Please be patient if the professor doesn’t answer you straight away. We all live in different timezones and have other responsibilities in real life, so it is possible the teacher had to leave for a few minutes/hours.
8. Be creative and have fun!

Staff List

School Administration
Headmistress - Prof. Cassandra Rae-Branxton (Cassirin)
Deputy Headmaster - Prof. Doyle Branxton (Biochemkris)

School Staff

Ancient Runes - Prof. Allegra M. De Luca (dracocutie89)
Arithmancy - Prof. Macadrian A. Shackleton (lemondrop13)
Astronomy - Prof. Edward Forrester (Mistress Vondella)
CoMC - Prof. Fabian G. Clark (Mamushkaleontti)
Charms - Prof. Doyle Branxton (Biochemkris)
DADA - Prof. Cassandra Rae-Branxton (Cassirin)
Divination - Prof. Natasha T. Blaylock-Erikson (Nabiya)
Herbology - Prof. Armand Erikson (Zellanna)
History of Magic - Prof. Angelica Lainey (Mad Eye Touz)
Muggle Studies - Prof. Kyle Carter (Grangerfn1)
Potions - Prof. Adam Dresden (Taking Back Kirstie)
Transfiguration - Prof. Alexandria Pierce (Raider)
Flying & Quidditch - Prof. Maximus O. Vindictus (demented_death_eater)
Groundskeeper - Mr. Ocean Tea Jones (Boys Like Ama)
Groundskeeper - Ms. Maddison C. Daaé (BrightestWitch)
School Nurse - Ms. Ariana Numel (angelwing)
Librarian - Madame Angela Kohan (Granger1814)

HoH - Prof. Zaria G. Dainsie (Dainsie)
House Mod - Prof. Fabian G. Clark (Mamushkaleontti)
House Prefect - Kerry Brandywine (shortfry)
Quidditch Captain - Agie Rae Brandywine (SweetAussie)

HoH - Prof. Natasha Blaylock-Erickson (Nabiya)
House Mod - Prof. Macadrian A. Shackleton (lemondrop13)
House Prefect - Amelia Rose (PhoenixRising)
Quidditch Captain - Jack Langley (Tinkerbell*)

HoH - Prof. Maximus O. Vindictus (demented_death_eater)
House Mod - Professor Kyle Carter (Grangerfn1)
House Prefect - Juno Novak (Hawken Terrell)
Quidditch Captain - Tagren Sevens (Seeker_Seven)

HoH - Prof. Edward Forrester (Mistress Vondella)
House Mod - Prof. Alexandria Pierce (Raider)
House Prefect - Cassandra Trelawney (SeerCassandraTrelawney)
Quidditch Captain - Marco Denver (Jenster)
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