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Old 02-08-2008, 04:02 AM   #72 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Anna Keller
Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo

Originally Posted by voldemort&88 View Post
First to post yeah, great stuff can not wait 4 more i will get my friends to read it to!!!!!!!!!!!!1:worship:
thank you. and please do! lol.

Originally Posted by griffin_girl View Post
wow. I never really thought that one:Ginny would get so annoyed at Malfoy she'd hex him just for shrugging and two: someone would actually think I was funny. LoL.

Poor Ron and Hermione though. No one showed up. bet they snogged the whole time no one was there

great chapter!
1) i dont like it when people do what i asked them not to just to annoy me lol, thats what malfoy was doing to Ginny.
2) im sure allot of people think you are funny lol

i know, how sad.

thank you!

Originally Posted by moonchic07 View Post
That was a great chapter! Aww poor Hermione, no one showed up, bet Ron was happy about that!
Go Ginny for hexing Malfoy, I would've done the same thing, I can't stand it when people keep shrugging, I'm soo proud of our Gin Gin. lol

You didn't have to give me credit for the banner, I was more than happy to create it for you. It gave me something to do.
thanks so much! lol. i know, Ginny is so cool. lol

and of course i have ot give you credit! then people can see how wonderful you are! lol

Originally Posted by Little Trooper View Post
That was an awsome chapter. Stupied Malfoy. So can't wati for more. the banner wont show up for me

Can't wait for the next post.
thank you.

Originally Posted by Abbie0312 View Post
Hehehe! Draco got told! Woohoo!
lol yup

Heres more, and im pretty sure the banner will work now, please look at it!
Chapter 13! (it took me a long time to think of the sorting hat's song...)

Chapter 13

“The sorting hat!” Flitwick squeaked. It “nodded”, opened its “mouth” and burst out in song.

For years on end I sit atop,
This very same old stool.
To sort you into houses,
The four houses of this school.

You may become a Gryffindor,
If you’ve a daring mind.
If you have nerve and courage,
This is where you’ll find your kind!

You might be put in Ravenclaw,
If you’ve a ready brain.
The smart, the wise, the witty,
Give this Great house its gain!

Or you might be a Slytherin,
The house for the “worthy” and “pure.”

All the Slytherin’s smirked at this part

If you are sly and cunning,
You belong in this house for sure!

Or last, in sweet Hufflepuff,
The house for everyone else.
It’s not that they do not fit in,
They deserve a special house!

I sort you into houses,
I separate you all.
But in these years of desperate times,
Stick together within these walls!

Times are dark, they’re difficult
Scary, uncertain and unsure.
Stick together no matter what,
Or Hogwarts will be no more!

I leave you with that message,
Mull it over in your heads.
For now the feast is ready,
Let the sorting now begin!

The hall clapped, some people had confused looks on their faces. Including me.

“What does that mean?” I asked Hermione, who was sitting by me.

“It means that we have to get along with Slytherins, or Hogwarts will fall
over.” Ron laughed.

“No, Ronald, it means that we have to get along, which means no fighting for the littlest of reasons.” She looked at me. I blushed.

“He asked for it.” I muttered.

“Welcome all, and when I call your names, you may come up to the stool and put the hat on your head.” Flitwick announced.

“Abbot, Jeremy!” he called. A little boy with curly blonde hair hopped onto the stool.

“Abbot, huh? Hmm, you have a lot of Gryffindor in you, but, you are an Abbot…Hufflepuff!” it shouted. The second table from the doors erupted in cheers. Jeremy ran over to sit by his sister.

“Bailey, Joshua!” he called.

“Ravenclaw!” the hat shouted.

Bennet, Julie became a Ravenclaw, and Caneman, Hannah became a new Gryffindor before I zoned out. It was going to be a long night.

I tuned back in as Zoni, Lucas became a Slytherin and McGonagall stood up to give her speech.

“To all the new students, welcome, and to all the returning, welcome back! I
have a few announcements that need to be made, but I’m sure they can wait, eat up!” she clapped her hands and food appeared on the four house tables.

I loaded my plate with Ham and mashed potatoes, Yum! Ron stuffed his mouth with chicken, potatoes, ham, stuffing, juice, pretty much anything and everything his hands could get in contact with. And chewing with his mount open.

“Cant you please slow down, Ronald? You are going to choke yourself.” Hermione scolded.

“Sorry, I’m hungry!” he replied.

“You ate seven pancakes this morning!” she scolded again.

“That was then, this is now!” with that he stuffed a whole chicken wing into
his mouth. I shook my head.

“Harry, I thought that Dumbledore left you a “mission”?” I asked, whispering in his ear.

“Yea, but he also wanted me to continue my education, I have something in mind.” He replied, before stuffing his mouth full of turkey. I shook my head again.

“Hermione, why in the world can’t boys learn to use manners?” I asked sarcastically.

“I really don’t know, Ginny. That is one thing the whole world may never know!” she replied. We both laughed while the boys glared at us.

Soon the plates cleared and made room for dessert. It was so good, I can’t describe the taste!

McGonagall stood up.

“Now that our bellies are full, I would like to make a few announcements. First, I would like you all to take a moment of silence for the last headmaster of Hogwarts; Albus Dumbledore. A great man who died last year, in the big fight. Please bow your heads.”

I bowed my head. I thought about how great of a man he was, and how good he did with Harry. I thought about how he died for what he thought was the good. I thought about the task he had given Harry, in hopes that he would accomplish it, while still living a great life. I thought about how trustworthy he had been, always seeing the best in people. I also thought about what a softy he was. Whether it turned out good or not, he always trusted in everyone.

“Thank you.” McGonagall whispered. She had tears in her eyes. So did a lot of other girls in the hall. I wiped at my own and saw that I, too, had watery eyes.

“Now, with business: we have quite a few new teachers this year. As you probably noticed, Professor Snape resigned…”

“More like ran away.” Harry muttered.

“So taking his place, we have Professor McKea.” A young witch looking about twenty nine stood up. Everyone clapped and some boys whistled. I rolled my eyes. McGonagall shushed them with a wave of her hand.

“Taking over my position as Transfiguration teacher, Professor Hunter.” A burly old man with a long black beard stood up. A few people clapped, others looked petrified to their seats.

“And that would be about it. Now with rules; the new students will need to know that the forest on the grounds is completely forbidden. No magic using between classes or in corridors without permission. A few older students would be glad to remember that also.” She added with a stern look towards Harry. He nodded.

“Hmm, well classes start tomorrow; you will get your time-tables in the morning.” She paused.

“Now, I believe you have warm beds waiting for you. Off you go. Prefects, please lead the first years to the common rooms. Good night!” she said as she headed back to her chair. I stood up.

“See you in the common room, talk to you there.” I told Harry.

“First years! Get in a line behind me!” I called. About fifteen little first years lined up with eager looks on their faces.

I led them up the stairs. The other prefect seemed to be somewhere else. I wonder who he was…

I ended up in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady, without any memory of getting there. It must be second nature for me, I guess.

“The password is Dumbledore. You will tell no one of this password and you will not write it down.” I led them inside. “boy’s dormitories are to your left, Girl’s to your right. Breakfast starts at seven o’clock, classes at eight. Your belongings are already up in your rooms and by your beds. Good night and you have classes tomorrow!” I called. I went to lie down on the couch. I stretched out and waited for Harry. I had my head on one arm on the couch and my feet went up to the other arm. Boy I was getting tall.

The portrait hole opened and I looked to see who it was. Harry stepped in. I smiled at him. “Later, come down.” He mouthed at me. I nodded and headed upstairs to my dormitory.

No one was in there, so I got undressed and put on pajamas. Sweat pants with a white t-shirt. I decided to wait till ten to go down to the common room; Harry probably wanted to talk to me alone.

The other girls came in. I pretended to be asleep. Finally it was ten o’clock, and I tip-toed out of my bed and crept downstairs.

Harry was sprawled out on the couch, just how I had been, only his feet were dangling a few inches off the arm of the couch. He was staring at the smoldering fire, playing with a rip in the couch.

“Hey.” I whispered as I walked up to the couch. He looked up.

“Hey Gin.” He replied, sitting up so as to make room for me on the couch.

“You wanted to talk to me?” I asked. I sat down by him and looked at his
face. He looked sad.

“Yea, it’s about what you said at dinner. I think you deserve to know, I mean, I think that you might need to know. Dumbledore would have thought it was a good idea.” He muttered. He seemed to be talking to himself more than me.

“Harry, what did you want to talk about?” I asked softly.

“I need to kill Voldemort.” He spat out. I nodded. He looked at me quizzically.

“Hmm. What I mean is…” he thought for a little.

“Start from the beginning.” I suggested.

“Okay, well, Back at the Department of Mysteries, the prophecy.” I nodded to
show I remembered.

“It said that neither can live while the other survives. That means I have to kill Voldemort, or he has to kill me, one way or the other.” I nodded again.

“Last year, Dumbledore realized that Tom Riddle had made Horcruxes, which are pieces of his soul stuck in little containers.” My eyes widened.

“Seven.” Harry said simply. My eyes widened even more, if possible.

“That means that this year, I, Hermione and Ron might be gone for a couple days. McGonagall and all the other teachers know that I have to do this, they don’t know why. Dumbledore didn’t want me to tell anyone. Gin, I trust you, you can’t tell anyone at all what I have said to you. If it got out, I surely would be Death Eater meat.” Harry explained. My eyes closed and I tried to hide back tears. I would not cry, I couldn’t.

“Harry, I expect that I could not come.” I said. It was not a question, it was a fact. He shook his head.

“Harry, I don’t care about the danger. I want to help you.” I told him. He shook his head again.

“Gin, you need to stay for school, you need your education.” He said.

“Harry, I don’t care, I can learn it later, do extra work during the break-”

“No Gin, I shouldn’t have told you. I’m sorry, just go to bed and forget about it. I’m sorry to have worried you.” He apologized.

“NO, Harry, I’m sorry. I know you have to do this. I’m glad that you told me, I’m glad that you trusted me enough to tell me that. I love you.” I told him.

“I love you too, Gin. Now, you need to go to bed, I’ll see you tomorrow. Sleep good.” He gave me a kiss on my forehead. I smiled and turned to leave.

“By the way, when can we tell people that we are dating?” I asked. He laughed.

“I don’t know Gin, when it feels right I guess.”

“You and your nobility.” I muttered. He laughed. I turned back around and went back into my dormitory. I fell into bed and fell straight asleep.

Thank you for reading! you are all so nice and your comments mean so much to me!


everlasting companion
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