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Old 02-07-2008, 03:42 AM   #98 (permalink)
D.A Forever
Dark Force Defense League

Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 50,187
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Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad

"Shhhh," Emmylyne whispered, brushing golden brown blonde mixed curls from her daughers face. "I can hardly understand what your saying, Laihlaih.." She too, connected the little ones words and it all fell inplace like a puzzle. Remington. Remington McClane was the one behind those letters..and he was using her daughter? Her little angel?! That did NOT fly well. "I don't know Benjamin. I stayed away from him when we were teenagers, like you guys said to. I haven't purposely made contact with him since." Emmy responded slowly.

Her heart about fell into her stomach. Of course, she felt responsible for it all. She had been getting those letters before Laih was born..and they had stopped afew months after; back then she had hid it from Benji as long as possible, figuring it was just a sick joke to scare her for whoevers amusement, and again she had make the same mistake; hiding the letters from Axel this time, not thinking twice about any of it. She hadn't wanted it all blown out of what it was. Or..what she thought it was.

"Lainie..listen to them, what did he say?" She asked, calmly. Her earth toned eyes coming back into view as her eyelids fluttered open once more. A shakey hand raised, gently wiped stray tears that fell. "He's been talking to Mommy too, Laih..I need to know what he's told you,"

Lainie struggled in her mothers arms, trying to get away from them but was far to little to fight off the twenty two year old. She shook her head furiously, curls violetely whipping her face. "Nooo! NO!" She screamed, in a high-pitched voice. Sounding scared, almost.

Still trying to pull out of Emmylyne's grasp, the toddler whined, which quickly after put her in a whole new fit of tears. "NO! I ish not teww. Wemmy is protettow, he ish said no one unersand! Onwy WaihWaih. He say I can't twus no bowdy wif dat. Wemmy ish my fwien! He hewp!" She continued to insist, yelling and fighting to get away. In the end she practically threw herself onto the floor, or as well as she could with the young woman still holding her arms. "Wemmy say new man da bad one..Wemmy say Mommmy and A-Daddy and Esa and Finn no unerstand..onwy Waih.." Lainie murmured, her gaze on the ground.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
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