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Old 02-02-2008, 11:35 PM is offline
Post Jason Isaacs talks movie roles

In a new interview, Jason Isaacs talks about his acting projects, including his role as Lucius Malfoy in Harry Potter. According to him, jumping from character to character can get crazy.

“I play a psychotic, brain-damaged gangster, who was probably abused as child, in Brotherhood; a dangerous, violent man in Scars; I’m a slightly less than affable wizard in Harry Potter… Then I go home and it’s all Pictionary, Narnia and Playdough.”
On the myth that actors bring their characters home with them, he claimed that Harry Potter is the only recent job he's taken that's required less than his complete immersion. He finished by adding:

“I don’t know that many wizards I can hang around with.”
You can read the rest of the interview here.

Source: HPANA
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