Join Date: Aug 2006
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| Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad Emmylyne exhaled another shallow breath, taking a moment in the tight embrace to speak in a hushed tone. "I..don't know," she responded slowly; truthfully. The young woman didn't know what to do, or say, or what was expected of her. Her brain and heart were once again battling. Yet, her heart was in two. It was a battle to the death and in any real wrestling match, her brain would be considered unconscious or close to it, while the two halves went at it. "I didn't mean for this, I never ever wanted to do this to him." Emmy's murmur refured to Benjamin. Releasing her daughters aunt, someone who was still considered family; she ran a hand through her brownish blonde locks out of a nervous habit, brushing back strands that had fallen into her face.
Nodding her head slightly to Elissa's announcement that she'd like everyone to sit for dinner, Ems went over to an upset Lainie, and Axel even but did not meet his gaze. Only reached out to pick the toddler up. Even after Axel had wiped afew of the tears, they continued to tumble silently from her big innocent orbs. She sucked her thumb, leanning against the young man while gazing around at everyone with confusion. Confusion was probably the only emotion of her own that she could feel; but her mum had it too, so that wasn't even certain. She could feel anger, confusion, happiness, sadness, and a number of other things all at once. It was no surprise the three year old was crying, she was far beyond overwhelmed. "NO!" Came a very loud, very alarmed shriek. Clearly Laih had startled her mother, for she backed up a step after being pushed further from grabbing her. Lainie swiftly slid down from her step-fathers lap and back onto her own two feet. She was scared, and..annoyed?
Stomping her foot, the toddler furiously shook her curly haired head. "No! Mommy ish upse! Mommy can't pick Waih up, I ish not teh baby. Dat wouwd huwt da babies!" Laih yelled, though not in her face; just to make herself heard. She motioning to her mothers stomach, and went on quickly, "Mommy ish not okay and Axew-Daddy ish wyed! Fwien said somefing bad ish happen!"
The adults made her feel extremely little, bad about herself, without them even ackknowledging it. Which was probably one of the reasons she trusted Remington as much as she did. He didn't treat her like a baby, he let her help with the important stuff and didn't doubt her. Eli jumped, also quite startled by the exclaiming. The glass that had been in her hand, smacked the floor in peices. A hand rested shockedly over the woman's mouth; Laih had just said FAR too much. "Chlo, could we please move the baby into a different room, of the kids rooms would be best," Elissa suggested abruptly. Pausing in her actions of picking up the broken cup, instead she stood and grabbed her wand from the counter where she had left it, and with a wave the glass was repaired and set onto the table.
Eli's frown of discomfort only deepened; crossing the room to her best friend, she wrapped her arms around her, briefly, whispering: "You have to face the music; follow your heart Ems..whatever happens is suppose to, remember what Aggie use to tell us." Hugging her tighter, the twenty-two year old patted her head gently and left her side to help her husband's sister with the baby; getting the stroller. Lainie had run from the room, crying harder now. Nikolas had stood dumbfound near the table for what seemed like several moments before moving. "No Emma, you stay. I'll go check on her," He insisted, seeing his sister move to go after the child. And everyone wonders why I like work more then being home. Nikolas thought, blue eyes rolling towards the ceiling as he let out a sigh and went further down the hall; just then turning into the living room to see his neice laying on the couch with a pillow covering her brightly colored and tear stained face. If Emmylyne's face wasn't burning enough, her cheeks had turned an even brillianter shade of red. With the help of her brother she was standing, and now walking into the kitchen; avoiding everyones gaze. Something was obviously wrong with her and Benji's daughter, she wanted that taken care of first but it was too late and Nik had gone after her anyway. There were far to many thoughts swirling around in her head, and the young woman felt absolutely horrible.
She was finding it extremely hard to speak, even the thought of opening her mouth made her want to throw up. As a safety precaution Emmy stood infront of the sink, her hands out infront of her on the smooth countertop surface for support. Tears continued to flow freely from her tired earth toned eyes, trailing down vivid red cheeks; after a second she sniffled, releasing a breath she had been holding and wiped her chin. It was taking everything in her not to run from the room, like some immature teenage girl who couldn't handle the problems she brought on herself.
__________________ Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Last edited by D.A Forever; 02-02-2008 at 09:29 PM.