Chapter 21: Living arrangements
sorry it has taken so horribly long! It's a weird chapter, but the ending has a nice little addition!
take care my lovelies! Let me know what you think!
~Krissy Moon “Hermione Weasley! If you don’t tell me this instant why you dragged me from my own parlor I will hurt you!”
“Ginny, will you just calm down? Really, you must learn to get a hold of your emotions or you’re going to hurt that baby!” Hermione shook her head at her sister-in-law. “Now sit down and have some tea. I’ll explain to you why I didn’t want you to hear what Draco had to say…”
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“Alright Malfoy, I’ll cut you a deal. I won’t turn you in to the ministry on one condition.”
Draco looked up at Harry with confusion in his eyes. “I just told you my father murdered my family and you’re trying to cut me a deal? What the hell is wrong with you Potter?! You think I fear that bloody ministry? I could take them all out with a single flick of my wand if that was what I wanted!” Draco was shouting, his pale face turning a bright crimson. Ron stood up angrily and knocked down his chair in the process.
“Malfoy, do yourself a favor and hear the man out. Trust me it’s a better option than what I want to do to you, and I don’t even know what his offer is.” Ron was angered that they were sitting sipping tea with one of his oldest enemies. He righted his chair angrily
“Right then, now that all the testosterone has been displayed I’d like to make a proposition.” Ginny said as she re-entered the room. She had obviously been crying after hearing Draco’s plight. “Harry, you will go to the ministry and tell them that you have Draco in your custody, but because of so many death eaters wanting him dead you think it best that he live I hiding until we can figure out if we should award him or punish him for killing that murderous swine with which he shares genetics.”
“Yes that is what I was thinking myself dear.” Harry gave his wife a broad grin. “Now we’ve just got to find him a safe house…”
“He will be staying here.” Ginny said without blinking. “Gregory, you are allowed to go home whenever you like since you were helping the ministry when all of this happened. Of course you are welcome to stay for dinner. We’re having pot roast, and bread pudding for desert.” Ginny left for the kitchen with a smile on her face, completely deaf to the protests of all the men in the room.
“You’re wife is bloody mad! I am NOT staying under your roof!” Draco shouted so that Ginny could hear.
“Actually Draco, she’s a genius, and the minister of magic agrees.” Hermione said with a smile as she waved a letter in his face. “This just came by owl.” Hermione began to read. “Dear Mrs. Potter,
Thank you for alerting me to the whereabouts of known criminal
Draco Malfoy. I don’t know if I should lock him is Azkaban forever,
or shake his hand for ridding the world of such a horrible excuse for
a wizard. I am in agreement with you that Mr. Malfoy should stay in
the custody of your husband Mr. Harry Potter. No one would
suspect that he is staying with his childhood nemesis. I trust
the both of you more than any guards of a prison.
On a personal note, I hear that congratulations are in order. Things
have been simply mad at the ministry and I haven’t been able to
properly congratulate you on your expected bundles of joy.
Best wishes to all of you! Do not hesitate to contact me personally
if that Malfoy character gives you any trouble.”
“Etcetera blah blah blah. Minister of Magic.” Hermione said folding the letter gently and placing it in her pocket. “so you see Draco, you have no choice but to stay here with the Potters. While Harry and Ron are at work Ginny and I will be here to guard you. As for your wand, that will be kept under lock and key at our home.” she gave Draco a smile as she watched him squirm. She didn’t like to anger people as a rule, but he had made her life so hard when she was a girl it was nice to not be on the receiving end of it for once.
Turning to Ron she said, “Now Mr. Weasley, we need to go get our daughter and then come back for some supper. I promised Ginny we would help her finish all that bread pudding.”
Ron just shook his head at what had happened so suddenly. “I’ll go get her Mione, you help my sister, I need time to figure out what just happened.” with that Ron dissapparated.
“Hermione, may I read that letter?” Harry asked with an odd look on his face. After browsing through it’s contents he hollered into the kitchen. “GINERVA POTTER! Get out here!” He was sweating a bit with a strange look in his eyes.
“Lost control of the little lady eh Potter?” Draco said chuckling.
“Shut it Malfoy, this has nothing to do with you at the moment.” Harry hissed as his wife appeared in the doorway.
“I’ll thank you kindly not to speak to me that way Harry.” Ginny said with venom. “I just did what I thought was right. Draco was a criminal, but he’s saved my brother’s life, and countless others by ridding the world of Lucius Malfoy.” She was tired and it showed on her face. Only half way through her pregnancy and she was already big as a house and completely exhausted.
“No Ginny, it’s not about Draco. What is this about our “Bundles of joy”?” Harry asked with a squeak.
“Harry, you know I am pregnant. People call babies “bundles of joy.” Duh.” Ginny answered with a nervous chuckle.
“BUNDLES Ginny… He said BUNDLES! Not Bundle of joy. PLURAL!” Harry was nearly shouting.
“Oh that.” Ginny said with a nervous smile. “I just found out today that we aren’t just having one baby.” She ran her hands through her hair and looked at the floor. “I had to tell someone and it didn’t seem like the right time when you came home with Draco and Goyle, plus you were hurt. How on earth was I supposed to tell you we’re having triplets?” she gave Harry a sheepish grin.
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