Thread: Student Gardens
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Old 01-30-2008, 05:53 AM
Zellanna Zellanna is offline
Default Student Gardens

ooc: I don't currently have the images for it, but there will be small pixel images of the plants once I get the chance.

Along the student gardens are the cherry trees which were grafted in term 15, and the Northern planters are occupied by the student hybrids created at the end of term 16.

There are several empty planters, and a large plot of tilled soil, ready for planting. There's a student shed as well that's open, with potting soil, watering cans, and any tools the students might need. A pond is to the west of the garden to fill the watering can.

Benches have been added to the garden this term for all the students who have found the gardens as a good place to hang out.

North-Eastern Planter
  • Excelsior's White Lily x Tiger Lily (unnamed): a lily which looks much like the tiger lily, though a light yellow color
  • Rapunzel's Honking Daffodil x Narcicuss (unnamed): a petite narcicuss which squeak
Central North Planter
  • Jasmine's plumeria rubra acutifolia x catharanthus roseus (unnamed): a deep-blue colored Frangipani
  • Sho's Silver Rose x Yellow Carnation Sunrise Carnation: large-petaled carnations which look like a metallic yellow
  • Ariana's Pink Rose x Blue Rose (unnamed): roses with red petals that fade to purple
North-Western Planter
  • Hermy's Sword Leaf Iris x Winter Love Lily (unnamed): slender spread petals, shimmering in purple, blue, and gold
  • Ryan's Royal Iris x Easter Lily Rowena's Knight: lily with frilled petals in blue and purple
  • Bess's Dark Mauve Iris x Light Pink Lily (unnamed): dark pink lily with specks of deep violet adorning the center
Eastern Planter

Western Planter

South-Eastern Planter

Central South Planter

South-Western Planter

Central Garden Area