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Old 01-26-2008, 01:50 AM   #56 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Anna Keller
Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo

I'm thinking about putting a banner on the first chapter. The thing is, I have no artistical talent. I've tried drawing, but I cant draw people. I cant find a good pick with the people I want, or anything like that, so my question is...

Do any of you do banners? Even if you dont, would you like to try?

I dont have any specifics, I dont care what it looks like. All i really want for sure is "That's Me; Ginny Weasley Sa13+, By Sydnie (iheartdan)" somewhere on it.

If you have any ideas or anything that could work, please pm me. Thank you! and heres chapter eleven

Chapter 11.

I woke up late the next day. Hermione was up and her cot was made. I looked at my clock: Eleven Thirty. Wow. I did sleep in.
I got dressed and took a shower, since I forgot to take one last night, my hair still smelt like lake water, and it was beginning to gross me out.

I got dressed, put my hair into a pony-tail, and walked downstairs. When I got there, my mum and Hermione were sitting at the dining table, talking.

“Hi guys, good morning.” I interrupted.

“Good morning Ginny, you’re up late.” My mum replied.

“Yeah, so are Harry and Ron taking the test?” I asked.

“Their appointment was at eleven. They should be done soon enough.” Hermione told me.

“Good. I have some time to relax.” I said, grabbing a bagel and sitting down at the table. They started laughing.

“And three extra hours of sleep wasn’t relaxing enough?” my mum questioned.

“If you’re sleeping in the same room as Hermione, no, it wasn’t.” I said, making up a reason off the top of my head. Hermione looked flabbergasted.

“What do I do?” she asked; a stunned look on her face.

“Nothing, I’ll tell you later.” I said, laughing at the confused look on her face.

POP! We all jumped as the sound of two men laughing filled our ears.

“Look who passed their tests.” Hermione mumbled. Harry and Ron sat down at the table.

“Yup, I passed on the first try, Ron on the other hand…” Harry let Ron finish the sentence.

“I splinched! My whole left arm! I landed in the hoop, sure, but my left arm was still where I was standing before!” he yelled.

“But obviously you passed. Why?” I asked.

“They let him take another try; he did really well the second time.” Harry explained.

“Well anyway, I guess we’re all set to go to Diagon Alley tomorrow.” My mum commented.

The rest of the day, we were inside. Hermione read Hogwarts, A history, and Ron, Harry and I played wizard’s chess.

The next morning, my mum was in very happy spirits. I don’t really know why, she just woke up in a good mood. I woke up Hermione and we went downstairs to the kitchen where everybody was eating around the table.

“Are you all ready to go to Diagon Alley?” she asked me the second I sat down.

“Yea, I guess.” I replied.

When everybody was dressed and ready, my mum called us down to our sitting room.

“Okay, so we are all going to apparate to Diagon Alley, Ginny, you can Side-Along with me.” She said. I groaned.

“Mrs. Weasley, could it be alright if I apparate with Ginny? Because it might embarrass her if someone catches her holding her mothers hand.” Hermione asked. It was like she read my mind; that was exactly what I was thinking!

“Well, I suppose so, I guess you’re right.” She replied.

“So it’s set, let’s get going!” Ron blurted.

“Keep your trousers on, Ron! You’re so impatient!” Hermione scolded.

“He is right, we had better hurry, before the crowds get there, and we have to be there for hours.” My mum said, looking at her watch.

“Okay, well, try not to slinch Ronald.” Hermione teased. He stuck his tongue out at her while my mum was looking the other way.

“Kay, Ginny, Grab Hermione’s Hand, and off to Diagon Alley we go!” I did as I was told, Hermione turned on the spot, and I was instantly pressed into a dark rubber tube. Just as I thought I was going to suffocate, we popped onto a semi-empty street, right in front of Flourish And Blotts.
There were three more Pop’s as Harry, Ron and my mum appeared by our sides.

“Lets go to Gringotts, Harry needs his money.” My mum said as she started off towards the huge building. Everybody else followed.

When we got Harry’s key and took the whiplash-worthy ride to his vault, we all stepped out of the car and tried to calm the turning of our stomachs. Harry opened the vault door and piled handfuls of Galleons, Sickles and Knuts into a little leather pouch. We all loaded back into the car and rode back up to the ground floor, our stomachs doing cartwheels once more.

We made it back to stable ground and exited the big building.

“Okay, I’m going to go into the Leaky Cauldron, I’ll let you guys shop on your own, if you need me, I’ll be there.” My mum told us, giving us a stern look. She left to go off to the pub.

“Lets go to Flourish and Blotts first.” Hermione said heading off that way. Harry and Ron gave each other the ‘there she goes again’ look, and followed her. I caught up and grabbed Harry’s hand. He looked at me and smiled and Ron rolled his eyes.

We walked into the shop to find Hermione’s arms already laden down with books.

“Would you like a hand with those?” I asked running up to her and grabbing two big books that were about to fall to the floor.

“Thanks.” She replied with a smile. We got the rest of the books, (using Harry and Ron’s help) paid for them, and left the shop.

“We were at Olivander’s paying for wand polisher for Ron when we heard a knock on the window. I turned around to see a flash of platinum blonde hair. I decided to let it go, not wanting Harry to get in a fight.

We paid for the polish and left the wand shop.
Two more shops to go, Quality Quidditch Supplies and Weasley’s Wizard Weases. We decided to go to The Quidditch store first. We entered the store.

I bought a servicing kit, Ron bought a servicing kit, and Harry bought new gloves, windshield wipers for his glasses, (used to stick on when playing in the rain) a servicing kit, and broom polish. Of course Hermione bought nothing, so we paid for our supplies and left the shop.
We were right about to go into the twin’s shop, when…

“Hey, Potter, I’m surprised you had the guts to come back this year, shouldn’t you be off fighting the Dark Lord instead of trying to fill you head with useless teachings?” Malfoy asked, whipping out his wand. Harry did the same.

“I’m surprised they invited you back, you filthy-”

“Protego!” Hermione shouted as an invisible shield erupted out of her wand.

Harry and Malfoy glared at each other. Hermione lowered her wand. That was a big mistake!

“Furnuncul-” Malfoy started.

“Levicorpses!” Harry shouted.

“Protego!” Hermione repeated.

Ron’s eyes were darting between the three, waiting for his chance to step in if Harry needed defending. I was watching Malfoy like a hawk watches its prey. If he laid one finger on Harry...

“Leave Harry alone, or you will wish that you never had been invited to Hogwarts.” I warned in a deadly whisper.

“What, Weaselbee? Are you going to stick up for this man that doesn’t love you? Are you going to save him, when we both know that you really want to cause him pain for the pain he caused you? Come on Weasel, do you really want Harry to suffer?” He asked.

“For your information!” I screamed. Harry gave me a warning look. “For you information,” I said a little calmer. “I could care less if you hurt Harry, I just don’t want to get caught and punished for being in the midst of the fight.” With that I turned on my heel and marched into the shop. I hid behind the door and waited for the trio to follow.

A couple minutes later they entered. They were laughing.

“That was great back there, Gin! Have you been practicing?” Harry asked wrapping me in a hug.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Hating me! It was great! Harsh, evil, and totally convincing!” he bemused. I blushed.

“Thanks, and no, I haven’t been practicing, Harry, why would I ever even want to pretend that I hate you?” I asked.

“I don’t know, but you sure did really well!” He told me. I smiled.
We got to shopping. I bought pygmy puff food, (yes, I still had Arnold) instant darkness powder, and a box of nosebleed nougats. I went to find Hermione, Harry and Ron, but when I found Ron and Hermione Harry was nowhere to be seen.

“Where’s Harry?” I asked.

“He said he had to go somewhere and left the shop. I don’t know when he’ll be back, but I told him we’d stay here till he did.” Ron said, casually looking at the valentines presents while Hermione looked at the love potions.

“Okay, well, I’m going to go talk to Fred and George, come get me when he comes back.” I told them, heading off towards the back room.
I found Fred hunched over a big cardboard box in one of the corners.

“Hey, what are you doing?” I asked. His head shot up in surprise and he instinctively jumped in front of the box.

“Oh, its just you.” He said relieved.

“Who else would it be?” I asked.

“I don’t know, but it’s a good thing your not mum.”

“Why? What are you hiding in there?” I asked.

“Fine, I’ll show you, but don’t tell anyone.” He warned. I walked up to the box. I bent my head over it and jumped back as a shower of sparks almost lighted my hair on fire.

“What is that thing?” I screamed.

“Shush, Ginny! We don’t want the customers knowing about this yet!”

“Knowing about what? Are you really gonna sell these things?” I screamed. He shushed me again and led me into his office.

“It’s a new product, FireWork Hairballs.” He explained. He pulled a ball of fur out of his pocket.

“They’re Wrigmies, you feed them a couple sparks from that dragon, they become FireWork Hairballs, and we sell them as trick Pygmy Puffs. As soon as you touch them with your bare skin, they erupt.” He explained. I gasped.

“Don’t worry, they don’t get hurt, all that happens is the outside hair flies off in a shower of sparks. Put them in water, they become real Pygmy Puffs. Simple as that.” I considered his words.

“So why can’t mum see the thing.” I asked.

“Ginny, it’s a dragon, if mum saw it, she’d freak!” he exclaimed. I agreed. There was a knock on the door.

“Ginny, Harry’s back, were leaving.” Hermione called. I hugged Fred goodbye and left. We met up with Harry and Ron and went back to the Leaky Cauldron.

“Ready to go home?” my mum asked when she saw us walk in. We all nodded. I grabbed Hermione’s hand and I felt the familiar suffacating feeling as we apparated back home.


everlasting companion

Last edited by Syd; 01-27-2008 at 11:03 PM.
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