Magical Maintenance and Security Breakroom Do you feel like all the floors are so clean that they squeak on their own? Or do you just need a short coffee break after a long shift of working the check-in desk?
Either way, the Magical Maintenance Breakroom is the place to be. With a self-filling coffee pot in the corner and a couple large couches placed variously in the room, this is a great place to spend any free time you may have. One wall of the room is lined with cupboards; a few of them are stocked with some basic food items that are available for anyone's eating. Go ahead and add to the supply if you wish!
Use the breakroom to eat your lunch, take a quick nap (when you're not on duty, of course!), or get to know your fellow maintenance-people.
A small radio is placed beside the pot of hot coffee. The music of WWN (Wizard Wireless Network) can be heard softly in the background. |