The office once occupied by Madeline Grau is now being used by the current Department Head, Ben Cobblesten. As you walk inside, you see a modestly decorated area, with a light wood desk taking up most of the space. There are two navy blue armchairs in front of the desk, in case you wanted to have a seat!
The bookcases are filled to the ceiling with interesting reads, and every once in a while there is a picture frame, filled with a number of blonde people--quite obviously his family. The most interesting decoration, of course, are the paper origami swans hovering near the ceiling. At first you think they're memos, but no, they're just there for decoration.
On the desk is a giant nameplate, gleaming brightly in the afternoon sun streaming through the window:
Well, come on in! Don't be shy! Have a nice cup of tea with Mr. Cobblesten!