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PoA is what all films should aspire to be -
Another review brought to us by AICN
Article: PoA is what all films should aspire to be Aint it Cool News has yet another glowing review of PoA.
Many spoilers occur and the site does have some profanity - which is ruled out in the quotes - read the real thing at your own discretion.
From the opening WB logo you can tell that you're in for a different Harry Potter film. When even the giant two letters have a dark atmosphere about them, you know they're on the right track.
As a fan of the books, I can say that while AZKABAN isn't the absolute perfect adaptation, it's by far the one film of the series that has hit closest to the bullseye.
Thewlis steals this role and makes it his. His quiet kindness is note-perfect, his fear of himself is real. Thewlis was the big surprise of the movie for me. I knew Gary Oldman was going to rule the world as Sirius Black and he does. No surprise there, but a nice bit of relief, that began the second I heard of Oldman being cast in the role, finally realized on the screen.
Emma Watson has made Hermione all her own and is growing with the role, as are Rupert Grint as Ron and Daniel Radcliffe as Harry.
The faculty of Hogwarts takes a major backseat in this film, with the exception of Lupin, which means not nearly enough Alan Rickman, Maggie Smith or even Michael Gambon's Dumbledore.
This animal (Buckbeak) feels like it has a personality and reality. I was never pulled out of believing in this animal's existence due to quality of effects, quality of design or characterization. I WANT ONE! The scenes of Harry riding Buckbeak are exhilarating and I want to fly, too!!! I haven't felt this much childhood.
While the werewolf in the film is probably the most cartoony looking of the CG, the design is actually very effective and the transformation painful.
There are a few things I miss, like more building up Hermione's cat (Crookshanks) Vs. Ron's rat, etc... But they do enough of that to make the film work... I miss Nearly Headless Nick... There's really only one thing that I felt was important that they never included and that was the back story behind the Marauder's Map. The audience is never told about Moony, Padfoot, Wormtail and Prongs, and it's not revealed what the Patronus stag is.
I have faith in Mike Newell bringing GOBLET OF FIRE together... If he doesn't, he better change his name and run for the hills... I know some Potter fans that will want blood if this particular book isn't pulled off, especially after seeing that the series is headed in the correct direction!